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Hair Transplant Turkey Prices 2022
If you are considering hair transplant Turkey is a good option, but you must be aware of the cost variations for various methods. Comparatively to other countries Turkey offers the most affordable hair transplant procedures. But, if seeking the best results, be prepared to spend some extra. If you're a woman hair loss is an unattractive feature. The procedure should be carried out by trained specialists.

FUE hair transplants in Turkey

You can get the most advanced methods for hair transplantation in Turkey by choosing FUE hair transplants. The top hospitals in Turkey are equipped with most modern technology and highly trained medical professionals who are proficient at performing the procedure. These hospitals are also renowned for having the highest success rates for FUE hair transplants in Turkey.

FUE leaves no visible scar unlike FUT. In contrast FUT, the FUSS procedure leaves a visible mark, also known as the "hair plug". The mark is prominently marked to indicate the site of the procedure. There are also small clusters of puncture marks, which are difficult to identify. After a certain period, these marks will fade away.

DHI hair transplant in Turkey

The cost of hair transplants in Turkey is very affordable. Depending on the kind of surgery you need the cost could range between $300 and $400. The cost includes flight as well as transfer and hotel. It is possible to save up to 50% off the flight ticket. Turkey offers excellent hotel rates. You can locate an ideal hotel room by looking for the lowest rates all year.

Hair transplants in the US can cost as much as $15,000, while they could cost up to $25,000. In Europe, they can cost as $25,000. hair transplant turkey transplant in Turkey costs about 90% less than other countries. The surgeons are highly skilled and have many years of experience. In addition to the surgery fee, hair transplant patients receive post-operative care necessities PRP therapy, among other things.

Turkey PRP Hair Transplant

You've found the right place should you be looking for a Turkey hair transplant. The prices are around 70 percent lower in Turkey compared to the United Kingdom. The cost of your procedure will depend on the procedure used as well as the caliber of the surgeon's work. You can locate a Turkey clinic that offers the best package for your budget, whether you are looking for the FUT hair transplant or a PRP hair transfer.

PRP hair treatment is a straightforward and effective method for hair restoration. It involves extracting platelet-rich plasma from patient's blood before injecting it into affected areas. The procedure is typically 30 to 40 minutes. Patients should refrain from smoking and drinking prior to their procedure.

Cost of DHI hair transplant in Turkey

There are many variables that influence the cost of hair transplants. The first is the number of grafts that are required. A typical hair transplant will require four thousand grafts, or about 10 thousand strands of hair. The cost of this procedure is between EUR1,500 to EUR4,500. Prices differ in different countries. The cost of a typical package in Germany is around 5,700 euros, whereas in the UK it is around EUR6,500. In Poland it is around EUR 5,300.

The cost of the procedure is a different factor that influences the cost of a hair transplant. A body hair transplant could cost between $12 and $15 per graft. It is possible to locate a hair transplant in Turkey for less than $2000. The same procedure can be done on your eyelashes and eyebrows however these are considered specialties and are more expensive.

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