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dream: real life travel to new one, parallel bit back in time, different history, maybe different history, like old japan, europe but with half modern things.
phalanx with fellow bankers (Alex here?), the empress is out to get me. Thought it was just her minister. Gave her a huge cat. (beginning) stairs down from empress, things scattered (huge hallway one end is grand hall, one is empress's room, both raised, whole complex accessable from rest of palace with two sets of stairs.) Go out to the high way / remote path with friend (kinda liked) overhead plan to take us out + go forward/back in time to sync up out parallel worlds to take over new world. escaped, ran through warehouse with caroline, ended up outside a store on a huge busy, dark, modern street. our store now.
New god based on shield. they faked us stealing the shield. we wiped out except people who ran. ie me and one other ran off after phalamx failed. we helped each other and saved a cow and snake. Move to friend's house in new universe as school kids w/ david. he passed by the minister just by wearing school clothes.
Same moon. back on dark modern, street, in that store. Wandered down to find caroline. See her at the far end of the street riding a bike. I wonder where she's going. She hops off and the bike keeps rolling (I try to stop it but a bystander said, you don't stop these Gleempi, Gleamy ? bikes, they're self rolling). Caroline goes to a bakery/confection store/all pink/ in dark, blue, grey street (but it was decently lighted in the day: clouds rain? She then walks across the street, where im sitting at the curb across from the bakery/candy shop. (store is like 4-5 houses to my left). She sits down and we talk about this new world (what about). wake up.
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