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The Mysterious Letter
[Year 2030, 29th June]
Cast: Lustin Boris

“Yawn!” Lustin said when he woke up.
Lustin was exhausted from the previous night. It was crazy that Lustin went to a party and got a bit drunk. He quickly jumped from his bed to look out of the window. He saw a beautiful scenery and he thought it was so dazzling.
Lustin looked up in the sky, realising that the sun was up and said, “It’s about 11 o’clock already.”
Yes, Lustin could know the time just by looking at the sun. He walked out of his room.

It was a beautiful day, as the trees blew in the breezy wind, and people were having fun downstairs playing badminton, not to mention the birds chirping as melodiously as the lark’s song. Everywhere was so lively. Meanwhile, Lustin was just brushing his teeth, doing his dump, and getting ready. He was so far unemployed and needed a job as soon as possible. He would need enough money for rent, food etc. or he would probably need to go out as a beggar.

The scenery was just so beautiful, and Lustin needed to get the freshest air possible, so he decided to go for a walk in the nearby community park, or he could go for a run in the heritage trail. Just when he was about to go out, something caught his eye – the mailbox.
He thought, “Hey… Maybe my application letter for my job got here… What should I do?”
After a long thought, he decided to go for a walk first as he could not miss the opportunity for the scenery.

The door creaked open and Lustin walked in. He was all panting, and sweating. His shirt was drenched wet as if he went to the waterpark with his shirt on. Lustin changed and then threw himself on the sofa. He was just scanning through his letters when something changed his world. There was an interesting envelope in one of his mails. It’s said that it was from Sandford University.

“Oh my god! Did I get accepted to Sandford Uni? Or is it just some cash prize because I joined their competition?” Lustin thought.
Millions of questions were running through his mind. He decided to read the letter. What he saw was not what he expected at all.

“Dear Lustin,
I am the principal of Sandford University, and I will accept your job application. You can finally become the Math teacher you wanted to be honey! I am sure you are overjoyed. Meet you at the university next month, 27th Oct, at 7 am. I am sure you can teach well. You will get paid $200 every month. See you there!

Please sign:
_________ (Lustin Boris)

Bella Boris.”

“Oh my god!” Lustin was just dumbfounded.
He signed and clicked a photo of it, but everything was freaking him out. It started feeling like an earthquake was happening. He fell on the sofa and soon after Lustin was fast asleep.
The Mysterious Letter: Mothers Be Like
[Year 2030, 29th June]
Cast: Lustin Boris

“What just happened?” Lustin looked down at the mail and knew that he just fell asleep and woke up.
“Where’s my phone?” Lustin said rolling his eyes.
He started looking at every nook and cranny, but still couldn’t find it. Then, my eyes shined at the object Lustin was looking for. He quickly grabbed it, as if it was a gun that a murderer was about to catch.

“Siri, is Sandford University’s principal someone called ‘Bella Boris’?” I said out loud to Siri.
Lustin was investigating a bit, just to see if this was from the university.
“According to Google, Bella Boris is Sandford University’s principal. She’s only 37 and has only one child, which is unknown as she won’t tell information.” Siri replied to me.

It looks like that mail was sent by the actual university. Lustin read the mail again, and saw two words that messed with his mind, “Bella Boris.” A light bulb went off inside his head. “Boris” was Lustin’s surname, and Bella also had the same surname. What if she’s my mothe- Nope! I can’t go straight into conclusion…

Lustin thought he did not have a family, but maybe he was dead wrong. Why would she use “honey” in her letter? That was absurd. Maybe she was my biological mother. Lustin knew she did have one child, but it is “unknown.” That could be me. She might be hiding something!

There was only one way to find out. Birth certificate. Sadly, Lustin couldn’t find it at all. The next best thing for him to do was to continue finding. Afterwards, he found his passport and a notebook. He looked through my passport as he wanted to find out his birthday. It was 27th Oct 2009, the day that was written in that letter! But it could be a coincidence. Next up, Lustin opened the dusty notebook I found. And I realised something.

It was a diary. Oh my god! It was Lustin’s parents’ diary. He was sure that the diary would have names of his parents. He looked through, and there was only one page written in ink. It was an absurd story.

“Dear Diary,
I am crying like crazy right now. I think my Ignotus is dead. I checked his pulse after he collapsed, and I couldn’t feel no shit. I was freaking out so crazily, I could have died to with him. We would live a happy life hopefully in Heaven. Sadly, that never happened. I lost my husband today. Please help me! I beg you. God, why did you do this to my son’s father……

B---- Boris”

It was written in the same handwriting as Bella! Lustin was closer to finding out the truth, but just thought Bella was his mother. Just then, a message popped on Instagram, titled ‘BREAKING NEWS.’
Lustin read more about it and found out that Bella Boris’ son, himself, is on the search. An FBI account posted all the details. Lustin was scared stiff but looks like Bella is my mother. Why was the FBI searching for an innocent child like him?
---------------------------------- _
The Mysterious Letter : Being Prisoners
[Year 2030, 1st July]
Cast: Lustin Boris and Agent Smith

“The worst day!” Lustin screamed.
Literally, Lustin got drunk again, collapsed and then woke up. Afterwards, he vomited after thinking about the thoughts of the FBI finding me. Worst of all, the FBI account literally said, “We are closer to finding Lustin then ever!”

“What the heck? Do they have a bug in here or a tracker?” Lustin thought.
Lustin couldn’t finish the thoughts when there was a knock on the door. His legs started to turn into jelly so much so he could not move.
Lustin already knew that opening that door wouldn’t go so well, but when he heard the dreaded voice of the man behind that door, “FBI! FBI! Open or I might have CIA come here!”

CIA? That was crazy. Lustin took his guts feeling, hesitantly opening the door, and the agent greeted me.
“Hello! I am Agent Smith, an undercover agent; I am sure you are Lustin Boris?”
Lustin tried to play it off, but it was the FBI they were talking about, so he replied, “Yes…”

Agent Smith continued, saying that he got a report about Lustin holding his family hostage, keeping them somewhere unknown. When he looked in the house, seeing that there were no one there, he immediately thought that the report was right. Lustin explained that no one lived with him.

Agent Smith didn’t care, nonchalantly saying, “Look, if you want to take this up with the court, do that. Though, you are still a young adult, and your net worth of $2000 isn’t going to take you far. Hopefully you have a job…”
“Oh my god!” Lustin spoke.
“What is wrong with people now a days?” Lustin thought.

Agent Smith put a pair of handcuffs over Lustin. He knew that this was the end. Still, questions and thoughts were running through his head. Was that his father, concluding that the diary was fake? My mother did write that…. Lustin just fainted with my hands at the back covered in handcuffs.
Lustin woke up the next day, finding out that he was in prison! Great!
The Mysterious Letter: A Day in Prison Finding Out the Truth
[Year 2030, 4th July – 1st August]
Cast: Lustin Boris, Agent Smith, Prisoners, and Guards. (Lustin written as ‘I’)

Today was my country’s Independence Day, on 4th July. The last two days, I was in prison for “holding my family hostage.” I knew that someone was planning a trick on me, as if I was Ukraine and Russia was bombing me 8 years ago. I was disheartened, and sad, as I couldn’t celebrate USA’s Independence Day.

What is it like in prison, you might ask? It is crazy! Obviously, it is not normal for a young adult like me to go in prison. I am only 19, by the way. And for some reason, I was doing all the work, like I was a slave, or someone picked on by a bully. I was doing all the manual labour, obviously wasn’t ripped, and was tiny compared to the others.

Here’s what I need to do.
“Everyone needs to wake up at 0 600 hours and make their bunk bed” the prison guard said when woke up in prison on the 2nd of July.
“Afterwards, we have boxing matches at 0 800 hours, for your fitness, and lunch at 1100 hours. There’s no breakfast going to be served as Lustin is going to make it for you at 0 700 hours,” the prison guard continued.
All the prisoners’ faces turned to me, and there were some mischievous faces, others were looking like they were worried for me. My jaw dropped when I heard that. Me making breakfast for everyone? That was crazy! But I had to do it or face solitary confinement even though I just turned an adult a year ago.
So yesterday (3rd July) , my duty started. I did break the first rule, as I woke up at 5am instead of 6am, but I woke up earlier, so I thought that that wasn’t a problem. But obviously, I was dead wrong. I was a prison for god’s sake! They must take rules seriously!

The time flew by, and it was quickly 7am. I ran like the Flash, into the prison’s kitchen. Smelling the nasty smell, I ghosted and was about to puke. No wonder no one liked this job, recalling all the nasty faces the prisoners made when the guard said “breakfast.” I was thinking of making Eggs and Bacon when I found only an expired loaf of bread and moulded cheese in the refrigerator.
“I wasn’t going to eat that!” I said making a face.
But I had to, this was prison. Not going to lie, Agent Smith was probably kinder than everyone here. I took the bread which was like rock and was freezing, and the cheese. There were no pans, cookers, pots, not even a microwave for me to warm this up. So, I just put the cheese on the breads. Voila! The worst breakfast served.

I had just realised that the prisoners were watching me “make” the breakfast. None of them looked sad, probably because that they ate this all the time.
Some new prisoner complained, “Where’s the milk or the drink?”, still gasping as the kitchen was smelly again.
I wanted to be mad but put my act together. I grabbed a glass, for everyone. I wanted to give them tap water, as there was no milk. When I opened the tap, I practically fainted, seeing brownish water coming out.

I felt pity for everyone, even the guards. I thought they also ate the same thing. But they were having a buffet. How do I know? They have the buffet outside the smelly kitchen, just to show-off! All the prisoners had saliva dripping out of their mouth, craving that buffet.

Just then, the new prisoner stepped up who complained about the milk. His name was Juan, and he was ripped with an 8-packs, with triceps and biceps all bulging with muscles. He was like the Incredible Hulk. His chest was full of tattoos, one depicting a knife, and another, a sword, and guns, bows and cannons, tanks, and riffles, all about weapons!
He walked up to me, clenching his teeth and fist saying, “It is almost 8o’clock, I will make sure you will run out screaming like a girl from the arena in the boxing match.”
Indeed, I was going to fight him. New prisoners had to fight new prisoners. Some stupid policy. Just then, a bigger buffed up prisoner walked up to Juan, saying, “You better watch out….”
He was gay, loving two men he found on the internet, “Richard Rich and Drake Harris.” I then found out Drake Harris was himself. He found himself on the internet and loved himself without knowing. “Look Lustin, it’s alright, I am buff, and I am sure you are smart, we are going to be best friends forever,” he said.
Luckily, Drake was my inmate, not Juan. He said that he will train me in the free time of 1200 – 1400 hours. I didn’t know lunch was one hour.

It was time for boxing. Juan won all the time. But when Drake challenged Juan, he won. Everyone boxed. The winner of new timer was Juan. The winner of the 1-month stayed was Mitsuki, a girl. The winner of half-year stayed was Sally, as she was smart, changed the code of the board, so even if she lost, she could add a point to herself. Bizarre enough, no one suspected anything to be wrong. I could have done that as I was good at hacking! And for the 10years staying, it was Drake.

I was sad and heartbroken when I found out Drake stayed in prison for 10 years. It was lunch, and we ate dog food. I just vomited immediately in the toilet, so nobody could see me. I just slept for the remaining time.

Finally, it was free time. We trained in our cell and talked. For some reason, Drake was also arrested for “holding his family hostage.” I was shocked, and replied, “Looks like we have a lot in common.”

It was a new month, and the prison guard came to me, saying that someone bailed me out. I was excited but looking at Drake, I became sad again. We exchanged phone numbers anyways, because I was sure that you could use your phone in free time. I walked out, seeing that Agent Smith was there, I hugged him, and said, “Hi father!”
He was taken aback, replying with a smile, then questioning me, “How did you find that out?”
I explained. He was appalled when he heard what I had to say.
Then he explained. And I broke down in tears.

~To be continued~
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