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Arif Elfendi: Why Cryptocurrency will Be Around to
Arif Efendi, a British-based businessman, shares his views regarding crypto and Sweden's demand that the EU prohibit Bitcoin mining.
Businessman Arif Efendi shares his view on cryptocurrency and Sweden's proposal to stop Bitcoin mining.
According to businessman Arif Efendi cryptocurrency has come under attack in recent years. According to Arif Efendi,, who is a Swedish businessman, cryptocurrency has come attacked in recent times. This is a trend that has accelerated across the globe.
He said that there are still many positive aspects to cybercash. What's the fuss about Cryptocurrency and its hype?
Arif Efendi Even though cryptocurrency has existed for more than a decade, it's only in recent years that it has become a household name.

Cryptocurrencies have often made headlines and recently became the hot topic due to the fact that Sweden is urging to ban the European Union (EU) to ban the mining of Bitcoins. What is the point of this? And , what is cryptocurrency? These are questions that I have asked myself for a number of years, after having invested and studying. Let us dig into it together and learn more about the realm of cryptocurrency.

What exactly is cryptocurrency?
In its simplest form the definition of cryptocurrency is digital money. It is not a physical currency. Money exists only in the format and form of data.

Furthermore, cryptocurrencies can be defined as digital currency that are intended to be used in peer-to-peer networks that do not have a central authority. Bitcoin is possibly the most well-known cryptocurrency.

Bitcoins and various other types of cybercash have elements of decentralization because they aren't governed by an administrator or central bank.

One of the other advantages of cryptocurrency is its centralization of control, which provides more secure and private because it uses cryptography.
The benefits of cryptocurrency are greater than traditional currencies. The cryptographic protocols that support cryptocurrency's existence guarantee that it is not devalued or counterfeited.

In addition, cryptocurrency accounts cannot go "into the red" because it doesn't have an account balance that can create deficit.

With a decent amount of trust, cryptocurrency also lets for fast transactions between various parties on Earth.

What is the difference between cryptocurrency and stocks?
Cryptocurrency is greater than stocks , because cryptocurrency is a digital currency which uses cryptography for transactions.

The cryptocurrency market is completely decentralized. This means that they do not have an official central bank system or authority to manage their use. Arif Efendi The market for cryptocurrency typically includes trading and investing in cryptocurrency.

The stock market permits dealers and brokers to trade stocks. Stocks are an ownership interest in a business and may be traded or sold for an income based on their performance.

Stock prices fluctuate daily in response to demand and supply economic health, the perceived worth of investors, as well as the potential benefits from growth of companies.

But, prices for cryptocurrency are rarely more than 1-2% per day.

What is the reason why cryptocurrency is so popular?
Cryptocurrency is rapidly growing in popularity in the present. Many people are buying cryptocurrency due to the benefits it offers. While information on cryptocurrency has been in circulation since its inception there is a growing number of people fascinated by the subject.

The cryptocurrency system allows users to take complete control over their money instead of relying on banks or financial institutions. It's also distributed, which means that no company, group or person can manage it. It is the ability to manage your money that draws many people including me.

What is the reason Sweden opposed to Bitcoin mining being banned by the EU
Despite its popularity the EU legislative body is currently examining new legislation which would ban energy-intensive crypto mining from being carried out in any country within the union.

This law was passed due to the fact that cryptocurrency miners were using electricity to benefit themselves in Sweden. It has become a common method for mining cryptocurrency in recent time.

Bitcoin was first created using normal processing equipment. However , it became evident that the process was slow. Today, cryptocurrency is produced through large mining pool. The Swedes are worried by the fact that these pools require huge amounts of electricity.

According to the authors of an open letter to the EU, Bitcoin mining in Sweden now consumes 1 TeraWatt-hour annually. The names of the authors include Bjorn Raisinger, Director for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Erik Thedeen, Director of the Swedish Financial Supervisor Authority

This amount of electricity would be enough to power approximately 200,000 households. Bjorn Risinger, Erik Thedeen and others affirm that cryptocurrency mining makes use of increasing amounts of Sweden's renewable energy sources. "If we allowed extensive mining in Sweden of crypto-assets, there is a danger that the renewable energy available is not enough to support the needed climate change that we need to undertake," wrote the Swedes in their letter to the EU.

Erik Thedeen and Bjorn Risinger refer to Sweden's climate obligations under the 2015 Paris Agreement.

The coexistence of climate change and cryptocurrency
While cryptocurrency is more frequently discussed and debated about than it ever was, it is still a subject of debate.

I am awestruck by cryptocurrency and all its possibilities. It's going to be a major news story in the near future I'm sure.

While we wait, I hope we can find a way for cryptocurrency and the environment to be able to coexist.

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