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#1 Verbal
Mathew is sleep right now. Staff will continue to support Mathew when he wakes up. Staff was able to perform 30-minute checks to ensure sally was safe.

Matthew was supported by staff with bathing daily.

Mathew was able to bathe on his own. Mathew was able to find the soap on his home. Mathew needed verbal prompting to complete the show. Mathew was encourage to utilize a new wash cloth.

During staff observation, Staff encouraged Matthew to take a shower before bed. Matthew gathered his hygiene material to the bathroom. Matthew took a 10-minute shower. Staff Matthew to wash his hair and place deodorant on before bed.

#1B Verbal
DSP verbally reminded Matthew multiple times to wash his hands before and after dinner. In addition, DSP staff observed Matthew to make sure he was using soap and washing his hands properly for at least twenty seconds.

Matthew was reminded by staff to wash his hands after tasks if he does not initiate doing so.

Mathew was able to wash his hands without using any verbal promoting. Mathew wash his hand 3 times today.

Staff encouraged Matthew to wash his hands before eating dinner, and after using the restroom. Matthew advised staff that he washed thoroughly.

#1C Verbal / Independent
Matthew did not clean his room today however he is planning on cleaning his room in the next couple of days.

Matthew was supported by staff with gathering the cleaning agents necessary to clean his bedroom.

Mathew needed prompting on cleaning his bathroom. Mathew left his under clothes in the bathroom. Mathew was able to bring his towel and put it in the dirty clothes.

Staff observed Matthew's room remain cleaned.

#1D- N/A- Verbal
Matthew did not wash or sort his laundry for today. DSP observed that his hamper is not full all the way. Matthew stated that he wants to do his laundry every Saturday.

Matthew was supported by staff with completing his laundry weekly.

Mathew will do his laundry on Friday.

Matthew wants his laundry day to be on Saturday. Matthew advised staff he knows how to wash clothes; however, Matthew prefers not to wash his clothes.

#2A- Verbal
Matthew's preferred leisure activity for today was playing video games with his online friends. DSP informed brandy that staying too long on screens in damaging for his eyes. DSP staff used a couple prompts to take a break from the screen and get off the games.

Matthew was encouraged by staff to select what activity he wishes to participate in.

Mathew will participate in a leisure activity later on this week. Mathew plans to go out to eat with his skillbuilder thursday.

The staff observed Matthew playing on his phone and watching YouTube. Matthew preferred to play on his Xbox once he gets a new system. Matthew discussed things he dislikes such as loud engagement activities.

Matthew independently followed his own preferred choice of activities for his schedule. Matthew showed up on time for dinner and played his video games with his friends.

Matthew was supported by staff with conducting a schedule of choices of the things he desires to do.

Mathew was able to follow his routine schedule with verbal prompting. Mathew forgot to brush his teeth after his shower.

Staff supported Matthew by maintaining his night routine schedule activities and engaging with peers before dinner. Staff encouraged Matthew to watch a movie; however, he preferred to be in his room.

#3A- N/A
DSP staff helped Matthew find new community activities and places to go. Matthew and DSP looked for new bowling places.

Matthew was supported by staff with participating in preferred community activities weekly.

Mathew will participate in a preferred activities later on this week. Mathew loves playing his game.

Matthew did not participate in preferred community activities or community engagement.

#3B- Verbal
Matthew is doing well with engaging with people around his community. Matthew is communicating with his boss from work and keeping in touch with his new co-worker friends.

Matthew was encouraged by staff to greet those who come in his presence.

Mathew will resume building community relationships friday at work.

During staff observation, Matthew did not build community relationships.

Matthew did in-home activities with peers and staff. Matthew did not display elopement behaviors and the staff kept Matthew safe within the home.

#3C- Verbal
DSP staff supported Matthew by administering medication on time. DSP staff observed for any potential adverse reactions and the effectiveness of Matthew's medication.

Matthew is encouraged by staff to communicate any adverse effects of his medication.

Mathew was able to take his medication with verbal promoting. Mathew seemed tired before taking his medication. Mathew did it independently.

Matthew was supported by DSP staff by taking his medication on time and having the proper protocol.

DSP staff helped Matthew stay safe and stay in the house by locking the doors and staying aware of who comes in and out the house. DSP staff made sure Matthews environment was safe and no elopement happened.

Matthew was supported by staff with maintaining his mental health treatments.

Mathew was able to remain safe in the community and at home. Mathew enjoyed talking to his peers. Mathew was able to follow all rules regulations that govern the group home.

Matthew remains safe within the home with staff and peers. Staff support Matthew with his mental health treatments with prescribed medication and discuss the days he goes with mental health skill-building therapist. Matthew did not display or appeared to attempt to elope, and Matthew did not use any sharp objects or usage of appliances.

#5A- N/A
DSP staff informed Matthew and reminded him of his upcoming medical appointments. DSP staff noted that Matthew does not have any medical appointments for today.
Matthew was informed and reminded by staff of his upcoming medical appointments.
Mathew has a Pcp appointment scheduled for jan 30. staff will address the outcome when ever Mathew attends an appointment.
Matthew did not have scheduled medical appointments and this week's upcoming scheduled appointments.

#5B- Verbal
DSP supported Matthew by administering his night time medication. DSP staff monitored Matthew for any type of adverse reactions and in addition DSP monitored for medication effectiveness.

Matthew was informed by staff of when it is time to take his medication.

Mathew was able to take his medication without verbal promoting. Mathew was able to take his medications on time.

Staff supported Matthew by giving him his medication that is prescribed using the six rights of medication administration. Staff gave Matthew water to take his medication and observed Matthew closely to make sure the medication was taken completely. The staff encouraged Matthew to express himself if he s not feeling well.

#5C- Verbal
DSP staff constantly monitored for seizure like activity. DSP made sure Matthew's environment is safe and clutter free incase of a seizure.

Matthew was supported by staff with ensuring his environment remains clutter-free in the event he has a seizure.

Mathew didn’t have any seizures todays session. Mathew seem completely healthy.

Matthew did not have seizures and staff supported Matthew by monitoring him and ensuring that his area is cluttered -free did not seek medical attention during observation.

#5D- Verbal
DSP staff supported Matthew by asking if he has any symptoms such as gas, swelling, or loss of appetite. Matthew reported back that he doesn't have of those symptoms. DPS staff kept a steady supply of water so he doesn't get dehydrated.

Matthew was encouraged by staff to communicate when feeling unwell.

Mathew didn’t experience any bowel obstruction any today. Matthew drunk plenty of fluids.

Matthew did not have any bowel obstruction. Staff encouraged Matthew to drink water and he passed a lot of gas.

#5E- Verbal
DSP staff always told Matthew to watch his step and be careful where he goes.

DSP supported Matthew so he has a clutter free environment in case of any falls. Matthew did not have any falls today and he had a strong proper gait.

Matthew was supported by staff with maintaining a clutter free environment.

Mathew didn’t experience any falls today. Mathew room was cleaned in the morning.

Matthew remained free from falls and learned the new home common areas as well as remaining free from clutter. Matthew walks slowly and steadily to prevent falls.

#6A- Verbal
DSP asked Matthew how his day was and how he is doing emotionally. DSP did not notice any emotional outbursts and was able to discuss with with Matthew about his emotional state and how he can feel better. Overall, Matthew was doing very well.

Matthew was supported by staff with redirection during times of expressing extreme emotions.

Mathew was able use music as a coping skilling. Mathew was able to cope with his feelings. Mathew tend to listening to music and play his game daily.

Matthew did not display any emotional outbursts. Matthew gave himself space when need it from peers, and expressed how he felt throughout the night with staff.

#6B- Verbal
DSP reminded Matthew to watch his words and not use curse words Infront of his house mates. Matthew interacted properly with staff and was very respectful during interaction.

Matthew was supported by staff with roleplaying different scenarios of how to exhibit appropriate social skills.

Mathew uses appropriate social skills. Mathew was able to hold conversation with his peers without using profane language.

During staff observation, Matthew used appropriate social skills. The staff did not create scenarios for role play. Staff encouraged him to do in-home activities with the home. Matthew preferred to play video games.

#7- Verbal
DSP discussed with Matthew on what to do when he feels emotionally frustrated. Matthew was reminded that he can go to his room and spend some time alone to figure out how he is feeling. However, brandy did not have any emotional problems or negative behavior today.

Matthew was supported by staff with utilizing his safety plan during times of expressing extreme emotions.

Mathew didn’t exhibit any negative behaviors today. Mathew followed all rules and regulations. Mathew was able to monitor his space completely.

Staff encouraged Matthew that if he feels he needs a safe place he can use his room, and options of his choice for space when needed it.

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Regards; Team

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