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What to Expect from World Of Warcraft: Shadowlands Expansion

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is the next expansion of the long-running MMORPG, and Blizzard has been releasing a series animated shorts in the run-up to the game's release that has many fans excited for what the developer has in store.

Shadowlands Afterlives gave players an insight into the world of Shadowlands however, many are still unsure about what to expect from the expansion. Here are a few of the most important features that WoW players can anticipate to get in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.

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Leveling Squish

Shadowlands will include a leveling squish that could change the way WoW is played forever. No longer will players have to level all the way to 120, but all max-level players will now be reduced to level 50, making 60 the level cap just as it was in vanilla WoW.

Not only that, but the experience of leveling is now significantly shorter. Streamer MrGM was able of achieving levels from 1-50 in WoW in less than 3 hours, and though this was a speedrun players can still get to the new Shadowlands content in record time. Not just that, but due to the level-scaling feature already in WoW, players will be able to select the expansion they'd like to explore from level 10 to level 50. This not just simplifies the leveling process but also helps close plot holes created by late expansion races and classes leveling through old regions.

The Covenants Covenants

Shadowlands will introduce four Covenants to the game, and players will have to eventually choose one. The Covenants are Kyrian, Venthyr, Necrolord, and Night Fae, and each one comes with its own powerful class abilities. For example, a Druid who aligns themselves with the Venthyr will unlock “Ravenous Frenzy,” increasing damage, healing, and haste, while a Hunter who joins the same Covenant will gain the “Flayed Shot” ability, which deals ticking Shadow damage.

RELATED: Shadowlands Afterlives: Maldraxxus Raises Some Big Questions for World of Warcraft Lore

New Locations

As will all WoW expansion, Shadowlands comes with some new locations for players to explore. These locations are Bastion, Maldraxxus, Revendreth and Ardenwald, which are the main focus of each of the Afterlives shorts. Also included is the Maw, where the Jailer keeps the souls of the damned, including Arthas Menethil, and Oribos the Eternal City at the heart of the Shadowlands that is home to the Arbiter who judges each mortal soul.

There are many new customizations

Character customization in WoW has been greatly improved across all races for WoW: Shadowlands. All of the main playable races now include a far greater breadth of skin colors and all genders have a bald option they can now use. Beards, mustaches, and sideburns are now able to be chosen independently for most races, as well as features like noses, eyebrows, and ears.

There are clear winners in customization including humans, dwarves and tauren. Shadowlands Forsaken players have the option of covering their bones with a cover, as part of a variety of options for customization Blizzard has offered.

A New Beginning

Exile’s Reach is a new starting zone which players can start in instead of their original starting zones that serves as a new 1-10 leveling experience. It will not be available for allied races or hero classes. The new starting zone follows the player as part of a Horde or Alliance expeditionary force to an island where many past expeditions have gone missing. There they discover that the previous expedition has been captured by an ogre who plans to use them in a dark ritual to summon something far, far worse.

The new zone is a unique and story-driven beginning zone unlike the majority of different starting zones based on race, and could offer a new experience for those returning to the game who would like to be immersed into Azeroth's current world and story.

There are of course new dungeons and raids and monsters, as players have come to expect from each WoW expansion but these are the main changes that will set Shadowlands apart from previous games. Whether or not these changes will suffice to sustain World of Warcraft as it nears the two decades since its initial launch is still unclear.

World of Warcraft now available for PC At the moment, World of Warcraft Shadowlands will be released on the 26th of October or 27th of October (depending on the time zone) for PC.

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