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Aquatic Bodywork
Aquatic bodywork is a type of passive healing work, where a therapist holds a patient while back-floating in body-temperature water that is chest-deep and deep. It has many therapeutic benefits and can improve both the therapist's and client's overall well-being. This type of bodywork affects different levels of healing, including the emotional, physical, and spiritual.


WaterDance is a technique for water that combines elements from waterbodywork with pure movement. Participants can relieve tension and blockages through the gentle movements. This therapy is known for its deep relaxation and is used to treat depression and anxiety.

This technique makes use of the healing properties of warm water, as well as the calming effects of suspended breathing. The practitioners guide the clients underwater with alternate movements and stretching, massage and other techniques. During the session, clients might feel tension in their bodies and blockages getting cleared. The effects are intense and last for a long time. WaterDance is a potent healing modality with greater application than massage.

WaterDance uses the gentle movement of warm water to aid in relaxation. Practitioners work with clients in waist-deep waters, wearing water-friendly masks. Although the massage-like movements are soothing and gentle, the experience of "moving under water" is intense. To avoid stress, the participants pay attention to each others' breathing.

Healing 통영출장마사지

Healing Dance is a type of exercise that is a part of the water that attracts people who enjoy movement, water and stretching. It allows people with physical limitations to be able to move freely. Healing dance classes are beneficial for athletes, martial artists and other people who have difficulties standing or walking. Healing Dance can provide physical benefits and an exceptional way for people to experience their power through their own moves.

Healing Dance is an aquatic bodywork technique developed by Alexander George in 1993. It consists of 10 classes, seven of which are performed on the surface, and three of them are subaquatically. The idea behind Healing Dance is that the movement in the water activates healing processes within the body.

Dolphin Dance

Dolphin Dance is an innovative and exciting aquatic bodywork experience that blends contact improvisation, intuitive movement and underwater music. It was created by Lilia Cangemi, who is a registered Watsu instructor and professional dancer, Dolphin Dance is a extremely therapeutic and therapeutic movement class that invites participants into a nonverbal space filled with music and dance. The Dolphin Dance session aims to reduce stress and tension, while also releasing toxins and promoting relaxation.

Waterdance was invented in Switzerland. It involves floating on the surface, slipping under the water, and performing fluid snake-like and dolphin-like moves. American Waterdancer Alexander George has incorporated this technique that was developed by Peter Schroter. Jacque Lootsma is among the most famous practitioners of the technique. He created the Institute fur Aquatische Korperarbeit, Germany.


The form was created as a therapy dance and exercise form, Fluidsymmetry in aquatic bodywork is based on the ephemeral weightlessness of water. Fluidsymmetry has evolved to encompass an array of bodywork techniques, both in and out water. Fluidsymmetry therapists are members of the World Aquatic Bodywork Association and have received extensive training in aquatic integration and healing dance. They also have a solid understanding of anatomy and the science of physiology.

Aqua bodywork is a great exercise with many advantages. Water is naturally stable and soft and relieves stress. It also allows the body to grow and develop. Additionally the hydrostatic pressure of water assists in ensuring that the heart and lungs function well and increases circulation within the muscles. This is especially helpful in water aerobics that has been used in physical therapy for a long time.


Watsu is a water-based, therapeutic massage that concentrates on relaxation. It promotes trust and deep relaxation. It offers a safe environment to let go of the past and ease trauma. The first water therapy that was practiced was Watsu. It was invented by Arjana Brunschwiler and Aman Schroter and Arjana Brunschwiler in 1987. The therapist places a nose clip on the patient and then takes them slowly underwater. The therapist then releases the head support and the client is free to move freely.

This relaxing water massage uses warm water to ease joints, muscles and joints, and stimulate the central nervous systems. Acupressure points can be used to ease tension in muscles and open meridians. Watsu is a relaxing and gentle technique that requires the user to lie on their back with their eyes closed. The practitioner then assists the patient using a variety of techniques, from stretching to flexion, and rotation to traction.

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