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ALM is short sighted - we should tackle the problem for CL so that they train ALs the right way.
Front to back - start with scheduling and with CLs we will train the ALs on how to do scheduling.
Day 1 is Orientation with ALM - keys to success, treat drivers, what Zoomer is about, AND make sure they have system access.
-Assumptions (ALM)
-Scheduling (CLs and ALM)
1) Concept of rating
2) Here's how you fill drivers
3) Here's where you fill Fri-Sat-Sun first

Key Concept: Everytime a CL effectively trains an AL, the AL takes over some of the duties, and the CLs are this much closer to being able to leave the market and go launch somewhere else. Once a piece is officially handed off - ALs need to OWN it. This needs to be crystal clear. Scheduling is the first piece that ALs need to own.

In Order To Hand Off
1 - Scheduling
2 - Onboarding

-how to interview?

The End Goal is that the CL hands off everything but recruiting (hands off recruiting last)

Matt is building out a guide for city launch.
Work off city launch guide.

(CLs are incapable of training them what area leaders do differently than city launch)
ALs need to be able to manage relationships with drivers because ALs are the first step to ensuring driver happiness. Drivers see ALs as their management. If drivers miss a shift, need extra help, need any type of support, they go to the AL to do this.

CLs need to give honest feedback to area leaders (though they won't be able to do a full in depth evaluation because CLs are not the managers for ALs.) Maybe once or twice a week, checkin and honestly ask for feedback, questions, and offer to provide assistance. Just asking for this type of feedback can encourage someone to open up and reach out so that problems can be solved.

If CLs can give them a very clearly defined training program that doesn't leave room for interpretation (being able to use shift planning means X, Y, Z)

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Regards; Team

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