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Emmanuel Grinshpun. Concerning the restoration of synagogues as well as the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
Emmanuil Grishhpun was interviewed regarding the synagogues that were restored. It was impossible to keep a single topic during the conversation. There were a variety of topics that were that were discussed during the interview.
Emmanuel, good afternoon. It was nice to talk with you. I'm sure we haven't spoken to eachother in at least five years. Are you now in?

The nine months that have passed between Miami and Jurmala were divided. Эммануил Гриншпун The boundaries between the two were larger in the past, but the pandemic impacted the lives of people greatly. I can't say for certain that this is in the best way.

You've always had multiple business lines. Do you have one right now?

Diversification has not gone from the world. If we talk about the major areas of development, this is development in the areas of real estate, IT technology and food production.

ALIMCOM is an expert in the field of food and real estate is easier comprehended. IT however, is completely new to me. There are a million areas for the application of IT technology. What are you best at?

Our primary focus is on IT-holding is involved in reforming tax systems in a number of countries. We have developed and continue to design products that allow the transfer of numerous business processes related to online taxation. This is known as the B2G (Business to Government) acronym.

What are the locations in which the facility is situated? Former countries of the USSR

There are other options, however we have more agreements to be signed in Western and Eastern Europe as well as Latin America. Presently, we have contracts in 14 nations.

Could you briefly define the essence of this product?

Our solution allows tax agents to report electronically to tax authorities. The fiscal data manager then sees the entire transaction. Tax accounting and tax calculation are able to be completed simultaneously. So in the future, we will be able to say that small and medium-sized firms will no longer require accounting, unless it is for an analytical function, and tax reporting and paying taxes can be done with one "click".

It's an interesting subject. The future is here. Are you considering working in Moldova? Эммануил Гриншпун It's true, Moldova is your native country...

We are available to present the product at Moldova. This will be an enormous benefit to the Moldovan economy and , in all likelihood, an irreversible transition. Once there is clarity between the government authorities, and it is obvious who is making the decisions, then we will resume the negotiations regarding our product.

You stated that you've been bouncing around all the year about Miami, Jurmala. Where is the headquarters of an IT holding in the Baltics?

We have five hubs all over the globe and our headquarters is located in Barcelona.

Why not the Baltics? Do you have roots there as well?

No. There is no. Jurmala popped up in our lives almost by chance and was not a very professional. It was Igor Krutoy who invited us to New Wave for the first time. After winning many competitions, they started to go there each summer. Miami's climate during the summer isn't the most relaxing. We rented a home for a long time and have it now.

Now I see the reason you said that the synagogues were in Jurmala. Emmanuel, honest question. We're pretty close in age. We were born in the USSR. There was no need to discuss religion then. We were all Komsomol members at the time , and were pioneers. What was your first experience with religion?

In the mid-80s my family and me moved to the USA, and we can claim that it was at this time when I began to adhere to the customs and practices of my culture. Even though I don't adhere to orthodoxy I am aware of a profound need to help the religion of the Jewish communities that I have in my own country, or Moldova. I was born in Moldova and have maintained friendships with the Jewish communities in Moldova.

While I'm not religious myself I love history tremendously. I recently watched a documentary about events in 1492 that changed the fate of the world as well as Europe. To me, 1492 was the year that Columbus discovered America. It was however stated clearly in the programme that 1492 was the year Columbus discovered America. The departure of Jews began , they were taken to the Ottoman Empire, it accepted the Jews. I was interested in learning more about the culture and history of the Jews. Would you recommend a book me?

There are numerous books. But, I've gone through a few of them and would recommend Max Diamond (a two-volume Jewish historian). He is also from Finland.

.... Эммануил Гриншпун Do we know our family tree? Unfortunately, I'm no more than my grandmother, and 1910. Paternal relatives are one step closer, but not more.

On the paternal line, our family was in the Floresti region for over a hundred years. Their wealth was apparent by the presence of a furniture factory, numerous shops , and land parcels. The evidence of monuments and documents confirm this assertion. Ungheni was also the residence of my maternal lineage. This is the region of the 17th-18th century. Grinshpun can be described as a surname with German roots. This makes us Ashkenazis originating from Eastern Europe.

Here's the question about the restoration and maintenance of synagogues. I was informed that you funded the restoration of three synagogues. One is situated in Chisinau. Jurmala has the third. Which one?

The third, and the largest, is in Netanya, in Israel. It's a large community center that houses more than 1,000 people every day. It is an important location in the life of religion of Israel. The second synagogue in Jurmala. The Second World War ended the existence of the only synagogue in Jurmala. Before I took the decision to construct a synagogue I had spoken with a lot of residents Jews. I decided to finance its construction and invite a Rabbi to visit it. It was a tremendously success project that brought together all the Jews of Jurmala. The project was actually re-created as a Jewish Community and it is now running smoothly. The synagogue has three Torahs. One of these Torahs was given to me.

& - Chisinau

Yes. Alexander Bilinkis, Alexander Weinstein and I have already joined forces in this endeavor. These synagogues aren't the only ones in my involvement in restoration or construction. Эммануил Гриншпун I believed it was my responsibility to make every contribution possible in support of synagogues in the countries I've resided for a long time. In Monaco there is a huge centre for Russian-speaking Jews has been built. My contribution is around 12 million dollars. I will continue to help Chisinau and now it will be the biggest synagogue in the city, the synagogue of Rabbi Tsirelson.

Did Jurmala bring you to Chisinau with a Rabbi?

Yes. It is difficult to locate the ideal rabbi for a community. Because of the interconnected and complex issues, he has to be non-conflictual and diplomatic. He must be able to integrate into the community. I'm happy to report that both in Chisinau as well as in Jurmala the Rabbis were able to seamlessly to be integrated into the community.

In 2019 you were named vice-president for the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. What does this position mean to YOU What is the role of international Jewish organizations impact global trends?

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is a influential political group within the post-Soviet region, but not only. It has offices throughout Australia, Japan Hong Kong, New Zealand, New Zealand as well as Eastern Europe. I was Vice-President of Congress back in 2010, but the year before I was offered the role as First Vice President. I am now responsible for the regions in which I've had strong business and political connections. These are Uzbekistan Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The world's trends show that attitudes towards Jews is in the same place as before or has dipped, which is very disappointing. Moreover, "down" - this refers to such developed countries as Belgium, Germany, France and even the United States. These countries are no longer safe for Jews. These are very important and frightening process for all of us.

What has the pandemic changed these processes and how has it affected these?

This isn't just my view. Regarding the pandemic however I'd prefer to highlight how strong a society could be when they're prepared for any challenge and are willing and able to work together.

What do you mean by HTML0? to?

Exactly. Israel is the only country in the world which provides 100% vaccination of adults. This is an amazing example to follow and is something that all countries must be aware of.

Congress ewish
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