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🦋. A mentor is a torch who helps kids see into their futures. Mentoring offers emotional support, guidance, and encouragement for lonely youth.

🦋 . Youth mentoring is a process of matching young people with a caring adult. Adult mentors are usually unrelated to the child or teen and work as volunteers through community-, school-, or church-based programs.


🦋1. Build relationships grounded in trust. Many teens without mature role models are suspicious of adults. Do not try to become your mentee’s best friend or substitute parent. Mentors are positive role models who invite open communication and mutual respect.
🦋2.Create realistic goals and expectations. Do not expect your mentee to confide in you right away. Ask questions; get to know your mentee. As your relationship grows, your mentee will feel more comfortable sharing his or her life with you.
🦋3. Have fun together. Find out what kind of activities your mentee enjoys. Go bowling or watch a good movie. Shoot some hoops. Play miniature golf. Walk through a mall or grab a snack at a food bar. You need not spend a lot of money to build a strong mentor/mentee relationship; what’s most valuable is your investment of time. Need more ideas? Try one of these suggestions from 100 Ideas to Use When Mentoring Youth.
🦋4. Discuss decisions about activities with your mentee. Some teens may be shy to suggest ideas because they don’t want to appear rude or needy. Others are content to let you make the decisions, especially in the beginning stages of your relationship. When you ask your mentee for input, this shows you value his or her ideas.
🦋5.Allow your mentee to reveal personal information when they are ready. Give your mentee permission to reveal how much (or how little) information they wish to share with you. Remind them that they can share with you without fear of judgement.
🦋6. Listen. When you ask questions and listen, you give mentees permission to share their stories and personal experiences without criticism. Ask one of these questions if you are not sure how to launch a conversation with your mentee.
🦋7.If a mentee asks for advice, focus on solutions. Allow your mentee time to release uncomfortable emotions if they need to vent, but encourage him or her to consider their options. When they focus less on what they can’t control and shift their attention to those areas within their control: including their own thoughts, feelings, decisions, and actions, they reclaim their personal power. Don’t get stuck in the problem; consider solutions.
🦋8. Be positive. Briefly share your own experiences to demonstrate empathy, but your time together is not about you – it’s about your mentee. Do not bog down your time or monopolize conversations with stories about your struggles when you were growing up. If your mentee feels “stuck,” remind him or her they can change their perspective by changing their thoughts.
🦋9.Your primary relationship is with your mentee, not their parents or family members. Do not try to act as an intermediary between your mentee and family. Resist efforts as a mentor to be drawn into parental or familial issues. Discuss matters of concern with your program director.
🦋10. It is your responsibility to set a good example as a mentor. Your mentee will lose trust in you if you can’t be depended upon to honor your commitments. Decide upon consistent times to talk or meet with your mentee. Show up on time. Your lack of commitment can be devastating for the young person you offered to support. If you are unsure about the time or emotional commitment you have to share with a child or teen, do not volunteer to be a mentor until you are confident you can fulfill the responsibilities.

🎯 What Makes You a Good mentor.

🦋1. Be proud of who you are. Stand tall in your own shoes. You don’t have to be a celebrity or a superstar to be a role model. Embrace the gifts you share with the world.
🦋2.Hold high expectations for yourself and others. When you set a high bar for yourself, you inspire others to set a high bar for themselves.
🦋3.Stand for something. William Ellery Channing once said, “Be true to your own highest convictions.” Don’t be afraid to honor your own beliefs.
🦋4.Walk your talk. Young people may listen to your words, but they pay more attention to your actions. Make sure your actions are aligned with your values.
🦋5.Integrity is important. Be honest and trustworthy. Honor your commitments. Young people are unwilling to open up to you unless you are authentic. Be who you are; not who you think others want you to be.
🦋6.Be respectful. Treat others as you want to be treated. Don’t ignore kindness or good service. Say “thank you.” Pay it forward.
🦋7.Accept responsibility for your own actions. Admit fault when you make a mistake. Apologize if you’ve hurt someone and take action to correct mistakes.
🦋8.They Possess Passion and an Ability to Inspire. Role models show passion for their work and have the capacity to infect others with their passion. They love what they do and want to share it with others. Strong role models have an ability to share their light in ways that ignite others to chase their own dreams.
🦋9.They Have a Clear Set of Values. It’s one thing to talk about your beliefs; but young people expect role models to walk their talk. They admire those who act in ways that support their core values.
🦋10. They Have a Clear Set of Values. It’s one thing to talk about your beliefs; but young people expect role models to walk their talk. They admire those who act in ways that support their core values.
🦋11. They Are Committed to Community. “Role models are other-focused as opposed to self-focused” explained Price-Mitchell. They are active in their communities and share their time and talents with others.
🦋12.They Are Selfless and Accepting of Others. Young people admire those who demonstrate selflessness and are engaged in service to others. They ignore social barriers and differences. Their words and actions reflect inclusivity.
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