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My Problems With Identity V Fans



1-) Toxicity
2-) Some headcanon makers.
3-) Ships
4-) Sexism
5-) Ableism
6-) Racism
7-) Bodyshaming

Chapter 1: Toxicity

Like it or not, idv fans are toxic as any kind of fandom, not to mention they are trying to blame it on Danganronpa fandom 🤡.(I’m not saying that fandom isn’t toxic, it is as well) If you played idv matches, you at least faced a player that sends death threats or insults in post-chat or in friend requests (No wonder why us, global servers, aren’t getting voice chat in-game like CN server.) The fandom also won’t let you have opinions. They basically want you to go with the crowd. (Example: Benhur somehow being racist but nobody tells why.) If the fandom says ‘yes’ and you say ‘no’ about something… have fun with the death threats.

Chapter 2: Some headcanon makers.

Look, I’m not against ships or headcanon unless they are my ocs. Ship whoever you’d like or make headcanon for who ever you’d like. They aren’t my ocs I can’t say something about them. BUT some headcanon makers go and say ‘Aesop is trans guys, it’s canon NE told me so.’ First of all, there’s no canon fact for Aesop being trans, you can say Aesop is autistic since it’s canon, and confirmed but saying a character is trans/gay is canon isn’t the right thing, NE is a Chinese company and you might know China doesn’t support LGBTQ+ (at least not the government.) Also the game is around 1800s those times people weren’t supportive towards people that were part of LGBTQ+ maybe NE will make a gay character that is undercover one day, and tell us it in their deductions or letters, that can happen one day maybe, but just maybe. You can make headcanons as characters being trans, gay and stuff that is okay, since NE doesn’t say don’t do it or some characters’ creators (such as Aesop, Victor and Edgar.) If it’s not confirmed don’t go and say ‘Guys it’s canon!1!1!’ This can also count as misinformation since there’s no proof of these characters being gay/trans or whatever you make your headcanons as, I personally have a headcanon of Aesop being undercover gay as an example but I’m not rubbing it to anyone’s face or saying ‘OMG GUYS ITS CANON NE TOLD ME SO!2!11!’

Chapter 3: Ships.

Ah yes, ships. Every fandom’s nightmare. They can either be cute or the weirdest thing on the planet, it either has normal and chill fans or the ones who will argue about it. For idv the ships are something else. You can see someone shipping Joscarl and then 2 seconds later they can say ‘Dni if you ship Joscarl’ so yeah. Look I don’t care what do you ship, unless it’s illegal or you are a toxic fan. Now for this fandom’s ships let’s go with the ship Joscarl again, people mostly hate it for the fans and fanarts, if you saw some fanarts they draw Aesop like a baby(if you are in the fandom for almost a year you’ll understand what I mean) Look babying ≠ drawing a ship cute or in chibi style personally I hate this ship for the age gap(Aesop isn’t a part of the camera world so don’t come to me saying ‘BuT jOsEpH iS tWeNtY oNe In ThE cAmErA wOrLd’) which almost 40 since Joseph is canonically 60 and Aesop is 21 or older. The other ship I wanna talk about is Robbie x DW’s follower. DW’s follower was confirmed to look like little girls and sound like them but we all know(at least I suppose) they are old enough as DW. Whom is 2000+ and Robbie is A CHILD. If you would ship Little Girl x Robbie that’s fine since they are both kids but Robbie x DW’s follower is just wrong. The next ship is AdaEmil and some other straight ships. AdaEmil is like Emily x Emma but straight version. Expect one of them is confirmed. AdaEmil IS NOT TOXIC it’s just UNHEALTHY because of the age gap, I don’t like AdaEmil but I don’t hate it either they are the same thing to me like Emily x Emma: Doctor x Patient and 10 year age gap with both being adults. Also I find it weird and annoying to hate on the straight people and straight ships as a bisexual myself 🤠 let me tell you something, if you hate straight because they all are “homophobic” to you, hating on them and want them to be gone is just attacking fire with fire. I also wanna talk about WillGanji’s fans look not ship’s itself, the fans. They are all say “You can’t ship Ganji with white people grrrr!2!!1! He hates them grrr bark bark!1!31!2’ Ganji doesn’t hate white people he HATES RICH PEOPLE. And you need to understand that rich people aren’t always white and if you are going to say but ‘But actually in their timeline black people were treating badly and being sold to other white people 🤓’ (someone really said this to me please 😭) in their timeline 90% of people were homophobic so WillGanji wouldn’t even exist to your logic. WillGanji is a cute ship since both are sportsman and such it’s just the damn fans. Another ship fans I wanna talk about is EdLuca, you can ship this as well it’s okay, but some fans treat this ship like this: Luca being the dumbest person on the planet who can’t even spell his name since he had a ✨ memory loss ✨ and is ✨ traumatized ✨(not all people who has memory loss or trauma act like that actually none of them act like that it’s just idv fandom being idv fandom 🤡) and Edgar being a tsundere snobby twink even though his canon self HATES SNOBBY PEOPLE if you read his diary that got written by his creator. Look this ship can work even with their canon self but no! Idv fandom is gonna use the damn fanon selves! I also wanna talk about Eli x Gertrude and how the fandom is demonizing Gertrude,(Which I’ll talk more in Chapter 4) just because you want to ship your ‘bAbY bOy UwU eLi’ with someone doesn’t mean you can just demonize his fiancé like she’s the bad guy, Eli didn’t even tell her where he was going also keep in mind ELI IS THE ONE WHO WANTED THE MONEY FOR THEIR WEDDING NOT GERTRUDE.

Chapter 4: Sexism.

This fandom might be seen as ‘not sexist’ but it is. Trust me it is. They might say ‘OmG i LoVe WoMeN sO mUcH 😍😍’ but they don’t. They also pick ‘pretty’ characters’ side all the time. But I’ll talk about this later. Now again to sexism let me give you an example(speaking from experience) : If you say you like Aesop most of people will say ‘Omg same’ but if you say you like Emily at least one person will say ‘UhM bUt ShE kIlLeD eMmA’s MoM aNd MaDe HeR lOsE hEr MeMoRy 🤓’ they do be also demonize Gertrude just to ship Eli with others 💀 just a reminder again: ELI IS THE ONE WHO WANTED THE MONEY FOR THEIR DAMN WEDDING NOT GERTRUDE.
Or just demonizing Ada just so they can ship Emil with someone else.

Chapter 4.5: ‘Pretty Characters’.

While writing this I also wanted to say how identity v fandom picks ‘pretty’ characters, I still remember the days where people used to call Percy ‘racist’ just because his creator showed Geisha’s legs. There was nothing about his lore. But that we know Jose and Vera tried to kill Patricia just because she was ‘different’ and I think y’all can understand which different we are talking about, her skin tone. As you might know black people weren’t treated good in the game’s timeline which is in 1800s/early 1900s go on idv fans, say it. Say that how Vera and Jose are racist. Oh wait you can’t, why? Because they are your favorites, aren’t they? There’s still out there people calling Servais racist because he ‘poisoned’ William, the guy didn’t even leave the wine there for William in the first place it was for the rats. BUT NO! HE’S RACIST ACCORDING TO FANS EVEN THOUGH WILLIAM WAS ALIVE AND ESCAPED WITH NAIB! But Jose and Vera managed to kill Kevin with the poison and they aren’t racist?! (If you didn’t know Kevin drink the poison instead of Patricia which made Edgar replace him after his death.) Or another example: People also called Freddy racist because he called Geisha’s demon mask ‘scary’ Geisha is a hunter, the mask HAS to be scary. Her mask probably got inspired by onis whom are demons in the Japanese folklore and no they aren’t good creatures. This shows how idv fandom actually ignores the pretty characters being disrespectful or racist when the other ones gets attacked.

Chapter 5: Ableism.

Idv and ableism, sounds weird when half of the fandom says they are autistic right? But they are. Back in 2020, they would make fun of Galatea’s wheelchair and how she can’t leave it. Or how some of them fetishize Aesop’s autism and treat him like a baby same goes for Luca and Emil but theirs is memory loss. Just because they had memory loss doesn’t mean they can’t even spell their name. Or for Chloe(Vera’s real name), it’s obvious she also has something with her. She couldn’t tell if Vera(her twin sister) was trying to help her or just use her, and we all probably can understand that Vera tried to help Chloe by selling the perfumes. But Chloe couldn’t understand that.

Chapter 6: Racism.

Now this isn’t about characters this time. This is about artists. Every fandom has those artists: The ones that whitewash black characters or blackwash white characters. Whatever you like it or not, blackwashing is real and it’s bad as whitewashing. As a black person myself, I don’t like seeing Tracy or Luca being tan or having Afro hair when they aren’t even Native Americans. Instead of whitewashing or blackwashing characters you like, do ocs. Let me give you an example: Oh so you like Ganji? And want him to be like you and you are white? Instead of whitewashing him do an oc that is light-skinned and is a cricket players. Oh you aren’t white and don’t like Ganji? You are telling me you like Mike? Okay then instead of making his skin tone darker or giving him an Afro hair make an acrobat oc that POC or Black. NE Never told you guys to not make ocs, if you are going to use the excuse of ‘BuT tHeRe ArEn’T aNy bLaCk ChArAcTeRs’ then create an oc. I have my fan ocs for idv as well and some of them are black or POC, if you don’t create an oc backstory then just say the oc is related with the your fav characters. Instead of whitewashing or blackwashing them.
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