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Sitnicka D, Simińska J, Orzechowski S. (2012) Alteration of GWD genes expression during low temperature exposure in potato leaves. 2012. Expression of the BBM gene during somatic embryogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana. 2007. The anatomy of the chi-chi of Ginkgo biloba suggests a mode of elongation growth that is an alternative to growth driven by an apical meristem. Maksimovic I., Kastori R., Krstic L., Lukovic J. 2007. Steady presence of cadmium and nickel affects root anatomy, accumulation and distribution of essential ions in maize seedlings. 2007. Trace Elements from Soil to Human. 2016. Plant-driven removal of heavy metals from soil: uptake, translocation, tolerance mechanism, challenges, and future perspectives. Toth G., Hermann T., Da Silva M.R., Montanarella L. 2016. Heavy metals in agricultural soils of the European Union with implications for food safety. Srivastava N. 2016. Phytoremediation of heavy metals contaminated soils through transgenic plants. Yusuf M., Fariduddin Q., Hayat S., Ahmad A. 2011. sprawdzian : an overview of uptake, essentiality and toxicity in plants. Ahmad M.S.A., Ashraf M. 2011. Essential roles and hazardous effects of nickel in plants.

2000. Phytoremediation of Toxic Metals: Using Plants to Clean Up the Environment. Masarovicova E., Kralova K., Kummerova M. 2010. klik of classification of medical plants as hyperaccumulators or excluders. Cambrolle J., Mateos-Naranjo E., Redondo-Gómez S., Luque T., Figueroa M.E. Redondo-Gómez S. 2013. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Spartina. 2005. A review on phytoremediation of heavy metals and utilization of its by products. 2003. Phytoremediation of lead, nickel, and copper by Salix acmophylla Boiss.: Role of antioxidant enzymes and antioxidant substances. Willscher S., Jablonski L., Fona Z., Rahmi R., Wittig J. 2017. Phytoremediation experiments with Helianthus tuberosus under different pH and heavy metal soil concentrations. Narendrula R., Nkongolo K.K., Beckett P. 2012. Comparative soil metal analyses in Sudbury (Ontario, Canada) and Lubumbashi (Katanga, DR-Congo). Walkach Z., Kurtyka R., Siemieniuk A., Karcz W. 2014. Role of chloride ions in the promotion of auxin-induced growth of maize coleoptiles. 4. Kiełkiewicz M., Czarnecka M., Orzechowski S., Szwacka M. (2009) The role of thaumatin II in cucumber resistance against Tetranychus urticae Koch: laboratory and greenhouse evaluation. Orzechowski S., Socha-Hanc J., Paszkowski A. (1999) Purification and properties of alanine aminotransferase from maize (Zea mays L.) leaves.

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6. Dobrzyńska U., Orzechowski S. (2004) Enzymy biorące start w biosyntezie i programie skrobi w roślinach. 2004. Effects on growth, productivity and biomass quality of Miscanthus × giganteus of soils contaminated with heavy metals. Karcz W., Walkach Z. 2002. A comparison of the IAA and 4-Cl-IAA on growth, proton secretion and membrane potential in maize coleoptile segments. 2002. Distribution of trace elements in soils from the Sudbury smelting area (Ontario, Canada). 2014. The fate of surface cell layers of Daucus carota (L.) embryos raised in suspension culture. 2011. Histology and symplasmic tracer distribution during development of barley androgenic embryos. 2014. Importance of symplasmic communication in cell differentiation. Kacálková L., Tlustoš P., Száková J. kartkówka . Chromium, nickel, cadmium, and lead accumulation in maize, sunflower, willow, and poplar. Ali M.B., Vajpayee P., Tripathi R.D., Rai U.N., Singh S.N., Singh S.P. 2001. Remediation technologies for metal-contaminated soils and groundwater: an evaluation. WHO. Regional Office for Europe 2000. Air Quality Guidelines: Second Edition.

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