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Emmanuel Grinshpun. Concerning the revival of synagogues as well as the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
Emmanuil grinshpun was interviewed on the restoration synagogues. It was not possible to keep a single subject during the interview. So, there were more subjects discussed during the interview.
Emmanuel, good afternoon. It was great to get to know you. We have not seen each other in five years. Where are you located currently?

The past nine months were split between Miami, Jurmala and San Francisco. Эммануил Гриншпун Although the geographic region was more extensive in the past, the pandemic has had a profound impact on the way people live. It is a pity that it's been worse.

You've always had several business lines. What are you doing today?

Diversification isn't going anywhere. If we concentrate on the most important areas the development of real estate, IT, and food production are three major areas.

ALIMCOM's food business is ALIMCOM. Real estate may be understood, however IT is totally new to me. There are millions of applications for IT technology. What areas of IT technology is your passion?

Our IT-holdings are occupied mostly with the reforms to tax systems in a number of countries. We have developed and continue to design products that allow the transfer of many business processes related to taxation online. This area is known as the B2G (Business To Government) acronym.

What are the locations in which the holding operates? The USSR's former countries

They are there. However, we have contracts that are more extensive in Western Europe and Latin America. We are currently present in 14 nations.

What is the essence of your product?

Our solution allows economic agents to report online to tax authorities The fiscal data operator sees each transaction. The product also allows tax accounting as well as tax computation to be performed simultaneously. Therefore, in the future, we can declare that medium- and small-sized businesses will not even need accounting, except for its analytical purpose, and the process of paying taxes and sending reports can be done with only one "click".

A fascinating topic, the future is already here. Do you want to work in Moldova, or have you considered it? In the end, Moldova is your native country...

We are ready to present the product in Moldova and the Moldovan economy will only benefit from such automation, and, in any case, it is an irreversible process. Once there is clarity between the government authorities, and it is obvious who is making the decisions the decisions, we'll resume the discussions about our product.

You claimed that you have been tossing about all year between Miami, Jurmala. The Baltics is the home of the head office of an IT company.

Эммануил Гриншпун There are five hubs around the world, with our head office in Barcelona.

Why the Baltics is that? There are roots.

No. Эммануил Гриншпун There is no. Jurmala was a name that came into our lives by chance, and not very professionally. It was Igor Krutoy who invited us to New Wave for the first time. After winning numerous competitions and having a great time, they began to travel there every summer. Miami's climate during the summer is not the most pleasant. We rented a home for a number of years and now own it.

Now I understand the reason why my contribution was used to restore one of the synagogues in Jurmala. Emmanuel, honest question. We are nearly identical in age. We were all born in the USSR. It wasn't necessary to talk about religion back then. All of us were Komsomol members as well as pioneers. When did you first turn to religious belief?

In the mid-80s, my family and me moved to the USA and it is possible to say that it was during this time that I started to follow the customs and practices of my culture. While I may not be orthodox, I do feel the urge to help, as best I can, the religious lives of the Jewish community in my country of birth or Moldova.

Although I'm not an agnostic, I do have a fascination with history that I really love. Recently, I watched a program on the events of 1492 that changed the fate of the world as well as Europe. 1492 is when Columbus first discovered America. But, I could see clearly in the program the program mentioned that the discovery in America in 1492 by Medieval Europe was not as striking as the Spanish monarchs expulsion of Jews from Spain. When the mass exodus from Jews towards the Ottoman Empire began. They welcomed them. This is where I was looking for more information on the background of Jews as a people. Do you recommend any books?

There are many books available, but I have read and recommend you to read a two-volume Jewish historian Max Diamond. He hails from Finland and is, in fact, from Finland.

.... Are you conversant with the history of your family? Unfortunately, I have only my grandmother's name and 1910. The paternal side is just one step closer, but not any further.

The paternal line of our family was in the Floresti region for several hundred years. There is documentary evidence and monuments which show that already in 1830 they were very prosperous with furniture factories, numerous shops, and land plots. Ungheni was the place of my maternal grandparents. I'm referring to dates between the 17th-18th Century. Grinshpun, a surname that has German roots is Ashkenazi pure Ashkenazi.

Let's discuss the revival of synagogues. I heard that you have helped fund the restoration of three synagogues. One of them is located in Chisinau and another in Jurmala. The third one is located in Jurmala.

It is situated in Netanya in Israel. It is home to over 1,000 people who worship each day. It is an important landmark in Israel's religious history. The second synagogue is located in Jurmala. It was the time when the Second World War began and the Jurmala synagogue was one of the last to be destroyed. Prior to deciding to construct the Jurmala Synagogue, I had previously spoken to local Jews. It was a success that brought all the Jews of Jurmala. In reality, we rebuilt the Jewish community and it is now functioning successfully. Three Torahs are now in the synagogue. I donated one Torah to the synagogue.

and - Chisinau

Yes. Alexander Bilinkis, Alexander Weinstein and I are currently partners in this project. However, these synagogues weren't the only ones I've been involved in their reconstruction or restoration. I felt it was my obligation to contribute to any country I've visited for a lengthy time to support synagogues. The synagogue I support, Monaco, Miami, is a huge community center for Russian-speaking Jews. Its estimated value is around 12 million dollars. Chisinau will continue to be my main focus - the synagogue of Rabbi Tsirelson is currently one of the biggest within the city.

Did Jurmala bring you to Chisinau with Rabbi?

Эммануил Гриншпун Yes. It is very difficult to locate the perfect Rabbi for the community. Due to the many interconnected concerns, he should be non-conflictual and diplomatic. He must be able of integrating into the community. It was a joy to observe that the rabbis in both Chisinau and Jurmala were able to blend seamlessly into the local community's life.

In 2019, you were appointed vice-president at the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. What does this position mean to your? And how do international Jewish organizations influence the global trend worldwide?

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is an influential political organization in post-Soviet countries, however, it goes beyond the borders of. It has offices in Australia, Japan Hong Kong, New Zealand, New Zealand, and Eastern Europe. I was Vice President in 2010 and later offered the post of First Vice Presider. I am now responsible for the areas in which I have been able to establish strong political and business connections. These are Uzbekistan Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The world's trends show that the barometer of attitudes towards Jews is either at the same level as previously or has fallen quite a bit, which is extremely disappointing. Additionally, "down" - this refers to such developed countries like Belgium, Germany, France and the United States. They are not safe for Jews. These are extremely serious, worrying procedures for all of us.

How has the pandemic changed these processes and how has it affected these?

It's not my opinion. Regarding the pandemic, however I'd prefer to highlight the way a society or a nation can be when they are ready for any challenge and are able and willing to cooperate.

What do you mean by HTML0? to?

Exactly. Israel is the world's first nation to offer 100 percent vaccination to its entire adult population. Эммануил Гриншпун I consider this to be an important example and lesson that other countries could take note of.

ewish Congress
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