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Emmanuel Grinshpun. Concerning the revival of synagogues and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
Emmanuil Grinshpun and her co-hosts discussed the issue of restoring synagogues during their interview. But limiting one topic in the conversation didn't work. So, there were more subjects discussed during the interview.
Emmanuel, good afternoon. Thank you for allowing me to talk with you. I don't think we've been in contact for more than five years. Do you currently reside in?

In the last nine months, Miami and Jurmala share the distinction. The geography was far larger before, however the pandemic has impacted the way of life. This isn't all.

You have always had several types of business. What are you doing right now?

Diversification isn't going away. The most important areas of development are in the fields of IT technologies and real estate as well as food production.

Food industry is, naturally, ALIMCOM, real estate is also a common topic, however IT is completely new information for me. There are millions of potential areas for applying IT technology. Which area are you most intrigued by? Our IT-holding focuses on reforming the tax systems of various nations. Эммануил Гриншпун We have developed and continue to design a variety of products that are able to move business processes that are related to taxation online. This type of segment is called B2G (Business to Government).

What about the areas where the holding operates? Ancestors of the USSR

They're still in stock. Эммануил Гриншпун We also have agreements in Western Europe as well as Latin America. Currently we are present in 14 countries.

Do we have a brief description of the essence or product?

Эммануил Гриншпун Our product lets economic agents report to tax authorities online, and the fiscal data administrator is aware of every transaction. Tax accounting and tax calculation can be performed simultaneously. Therefore, in the future, we will be able to claim that medium and small businesses will not even need accounting, unless it is for an analytical function, and tax reporting and paying taxes can be done with one "click". An interesting topic The future is here. Are you interested in working in Moldova or have you thought about it? Moldova is the country you were born in isn't it?

We are ready to introduce our product to Moldova. The Moldovan economy will gain from this process of automation. In any case this is unstoppable. We will resume negotiations on our product after we get assurance from the authorities.

You mentioned that you were tossing between Miami (and Jurmala) all year. What is the location of the headquarters of an IT holding in Baltics?

There are five hubs all over the globe and our headquarters is located in Barcelona.

Why not the Baltics? Are you a native of the Baltics?

No. My family's story for many generations is connected solely with Moldova, or in the case of the past, then Bessarabia. Jurmala was a chance meeting which happened completely unintentionally. Igor Krutoy invited them to the New Wave. It was their first trip to the New Wave. After a few events, they started to go to Miami each summer. In Miami the climate in summer is not the most pleasant. Эммануил Гриншпун We rented a house for a long time and now own it.

Now I know the reason I was told by my friends that one of the renovated synagogues is located in Jurmala. Emmanuel, honest question. We're about the same age. Born in the USSR. We were all Komsomol members and pioneers back then. What was the moment you began to turn to the religion of your choice?

My family and I moved to the USA in mid-80s. We all can agree that that was when I first began to respect customs. However, even though I am not a part of the Orthodox faith I am aware of an internal need support the religious life, in whatever way it is, whether in the Jewish community I live in, or in Moldova, my homeland and with whom I have close bonds.

While I'm not religious, I still love the history of my country. I was watching a documentary about 1492 and the way it altered Europe's fate. 1492 was the year that Columbus first discovered America. However, it was stated clearly in the programme that 1492 was the year Columbus discovered America. The Jews were accepted by the Ottoman Empire when the mass exodus of Jews to the Ottoman Empire. I wanted to learn more about the history, culture and achievements of Jews. Would you recommend a book me?

There are numerous books available, but I have read and would recommend you a two-volume Jewish historian Max Diamond. By the way, he is from Finland.

.... Do you feel conversant about your family's past? Unfortunately, I'm only as far as my mother and 1910. Paternal relatives are one step closer, however not much.

On the paternal line, our family lived in the Floresti region for a number of hundred years. Monuments and documents show that the Floresti family was already wealthy in the year 1830. They had several shops, a furniture manufacturing factory as well as land plots. My maternal ancestors also lived in Ungheni. This is referring to dates from the region between the 17th and 18th centuries. Grinshpun has the German surname, so we are Ashkenazis of Eastern Europe.

The issue now is the restoration of synagogues. I heard that you had financed the restoration of three synagogues. One is situated in Chisinau. Jurmala has the third. What is the one you're talking about?

The third, and the largest, is Netanya located in Israel. Netanya is home to more than 1,000 people who worship every day. It is an important milestone in Israel's religious history. Second synagogue in Jurmala. The Second World War saw the destruction of the only synagogue in Jurmala. Previously, before taking the decision to build a new synagogue, I talked a lot with local Jews and consequently, I decided to raise funds for the building of the synagogue and invite the rabbi to be there. It was a great project that brought together Jurmala's Jews from Jurmala. In fact, we re-created the Jewish community and it is now operating with success. Three Torahs are now displayed in the synagogue, one of which I presented to the synagogue.

and Chisinau

Yes. Alexander Bilinkis is one of my partners. Alexander Weinstein is another. But these synagogues aren't the only ones I have participated in restoration or construction. I believed it was my obligation to make any contribution possible to help synagogues across the world where I've lived for a very long period of time. My contribution in Monaco is towards the construction of a community center in Miami for Russian-speaking Jews, which is estimated at 12 million dollars. Chisinau will continue to be my main focus - the synagogue of Rabbi Tsirelson is currently the largest in the city.

Эммануил Гриншпун Did you also invite Rabbis from Chisinau to join Jurmala?

Yes. It is very difficult to find the right rabbi to serve the needs of the community. He must be capable and willing to be integrated into the community's life, considering the variety of interests. I was pleased to see that in both Chisinau (and Jurmala) the Rabbis were able to integrate seamlessly into the community.

You became the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress' first vice-president in the year 2019. What does this position you think it means to you What is the role of international Jewish organizations influence global trends?

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is an influential political organization in post-Soviet spaces, but it goes beyond the borders of. It has offices throughout Australia, Japan Hong Kong, New Zealand, New Zealand, and Eastern Europe. In 2010, I served as the Vice-President of Congress. In the previous year, I was appointed First Vice president. In the present, I am in charge of the region in which I have long-standing business and political ties which are known as the "countries", Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan. If you look at developments across the globe and the barometer of attitudes towards Jews has either remained the same or declined, which is very unfortunate. Moreover, "down" - this refers to such developed countries as Belgium, Germany, France and even the United States. They're no longer secure for Jews. These are very important, dangerous procedures for all of us.

Are these processes affected by the pandemic?

This isn't my opinion. In fact, I'd like to emphasize, in relation to the pandemic, what a group, or nation, can accomplish when they're able to conquer any challenges and are able to act in a cohesive manner.

Are you talking about the vaccination campaign that is taking place in Israel?

Exactly. Israel is the only country that offers all-inclusive vaccination for its adult population. This is an example I believe other nations ought to take note of.

Congress ewish
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