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The Benefits and Drawbacks of Burmese Massage

A Traditional Burmese massage is a type of massage which can be done by a professional. It is an excellent opportunity to pamper yourself. Prior to starting it is important to know how to use the technique and its advantages. This type of massage can have its downsides. Below are some guidelines to prevent them.

Traditional Burmese massage

Traditional Burmese massage has been around for thousands of years. Usually, the masseuses are trained professionals, however many people can provide good massages, too. The masseuse will often use aromatherapy oil to enhance the massage.

Traditional Burmese Massage offers many benefits. It can help relieve pain and other ailments because it works across the body. It can also be beneficial to ease tension in the soles of the feet. It is also very effective at reducing stress levels and increasing blood circulation. Many practitioners recommend that you do exercises at home in conjunction with the massage.

Burmese massage is identical to Thai massage in numerous ways. The Thai Sen energy meridians are being monitored closely and cross-fibre pressure is used to relieve tension. It can also be effective for treating arthritis and the high pressure of blood. The drug has also become increasingly well-liked by cancer patients.


Burmese massage is focused on the energy points and meridians of the body. It can be used to ease tension and increase circulation. Burmese classical massage techniques employ upward pressure, kneading and other strokes. Each session usually lasts about two hours and comprises 80 minutes of lower body massage. Burmese massages are a refreshing and restorative session. The massage can improve your rest quality and eases anxiety.

Burmese massage could be similar to Thai massage however it is different from one aspect to another. The Burmese massage concentrates on the energy meridians that run through your body, and includes feet and legs. Also, cross-fibre tension is used, which facilitates fascial release.

전주출장 Drawbacks

Burmese massage is a popular treatment that is able to ease muscles pain, as well as other physical problems. It also helps to ease stress and improve circulation. It's however not advised for all. For those with serious back issues or any other injuries should avoid the treatment. Additionally, it can cause pain and cause anxiety. This is why it's important to pick a massage therapist who has experience of Burmese massage.

The vast majority of studies showed significant risk of bias. Many of the studies featured an excessive amount of participants or healthcare provider bias that could have affected their results. Certain studies featured a small sample size, which could have led to exaggerated treatment results. A majority of studies contained fewer than twenty-five participants per arm. There were only eight participants in the study with the lowest number of participants.

Health benefits

Burmese massages can be utilized to relieve muscle tension and pain, as well as increasing circulation and equilibrium. The massage is able to relieve tension on important organs, such as the lung and neck. The massage may also improve sleeping quality and lessen stress. It is important to remember that not everyone can benefit from massages like a Burmese Massage.

It is focused on the legs and feet, which makes it a very popular massage for Burma. This type of massage is highly effective, reduces injury risk and improves sleep quality. It's similar to Thai massage but employs friction between the cross-fibres on the energetic meridians throughout the body. The product is anti-bacterial as well as anti-fungal characteristics which are helpful for people affected by skin disorders such as acne.


Burmese Massage is an extremely well-known type of massage. There are numerous types. It is similar to Swedish massage and usually costs just under 20 dollars. There are however some distinctions. As an example, Burmese massage does not use hundreds of kneading strokes to massage the body. It is more gentle and does not require years of training.

A 90-minute Burmese massage will cost you around $20. This is a lot less than a Thai massage. Massages in Burmese are an excellent option for those with tight joints or limited blood flow. The massage helps to sleep better and increases the skin's quality.
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