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Creating a Effective and Informative Booklet is the Key for a Successful Booklet
What can be your excuse for not being published? "I don't know enough to fill a book." "I don't possess time to write a whole book." "It's too much to get a realtor or publisher, and I don't want to self publish." None of these excuses connect with booklets. Anyone can write and publish an 8-1/2" x 5-1/2" booklet of 16 to 48 pages. Publishing a booklet is a great solution to create an information product that will give you both credibility being an author and almost instant profits.

A few years ago, I was looking for a way to create a new income stream as well as to promote sales of my book,>The Mystery Shopper's Manual. I decided to create a 16-page booklet that could explain the basics of mystery shopping, and promoted it by sending copies of the booklet alongside press releases to newspapers and magazines.

You can't tell everything you know in a short booklet, so keep carefully the topic narrowly focused. My booklet explained the fundamentals of what mystery shopping is and how to begin. It had to give enough information that readers could become mystery shoppers with only what was in the booklet; however, people who wanted to know a lot more would be encouraged to get the book.

Within a few months, with no advertising at all, I had sold thousands of dollars worth of booklets (at $5 each), and increased sales of The Mystery Shopper's Manual. You can use a booklet to promote your products and services, as a way to create new streams of income, as a publicity generator, as a credibility builder and much more.

Even if you don't believe of yourself as a writer, writing a booklet is easy. One format which is effective is to answer frequently asked questions. Write down a listing of the questions your visitors ask (or should ask). You can write the answer to 1 question, couldn't you? Then answer another and another--before you understand it, there is a booklet! Use among the questions as your title, with a subtitle such as "The 47 things you must know about (subject)."

Booklets can be stated in small quantities at your local copy or print shop, usually for less than $1. Have covers printed on glossy paper or card stock. coloring book therapy for adultscoloring books for adults The copy shop can "bookletize" (fold, staple and trim) for you.

Your booklets could be sold at the back of the room once you speak, you can promote them on your web site, they could be an add-on item to your catalog, etc. You may even have the ability to place them in shops and bookstores. Send them to media to get free publicity. Consultants may use them as a "leave behind" with potential clients--while you won't profit directly from the booklet, they are able to help you attract clients.

Booklets make good premium items. Sell them in quantity to companies or other professionals in your field to give or sell to their clients. Use booklets as reduced whenever your customers place an order of $50 or more. Make your booklet a thing that is only available as an additional benefit with purchase. Customers who want it will buy other items to get it.

And don't forget relating to your bio sheet and press materials that you will be "the author of (booklet title)." That provides you credibility and enhances your reputation and visibility.
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