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Hosting your Own Minecraft Server Minecraft Server

Mojang allows players to host their own Minecraft servers using the server JAR file. Hosting your own Minecraft server allows you to alter the settings and play with other players.

Start your command prompt to determine the Java version is running on your computer. You can install the latest version, but running the command "java version" will let you know if you are running Java 7.

Last, download Minecraft_Server.exe. This will launch the JAR file inside Windows with the right parameters. The download is available on the official Minecraft website.

If you wish to change the allotted RAM (server memory) you can create a batch file which will launch the Minecraft_Server.exe. Simply open Notepad and paste the following code:


"C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjavaw.exe" -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar "Minecraft_Server.exe"


"C:Program FilesJavajre7binjavaw.exe" -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar "Minecraft_Server.exe"

Replace 1024 by the amount of RAM you would like to allocate to your server in megabytes and save the file as "start.bat". You can use Google to perform gigabyte to megabyte calculations. This file will start your server.

Once your server is running guests can join the server using the Minecraft client. If you wish to play with friends online You must port forward your router to ensure that other connections can connect to your server. Hamachi is a program that provides you a public address, can be installed. This is a complex process and most internet connections for residential use cannot handle the large number of users online.

You can access the server.porperties folder which was created when your Minecraft server was first launched. The file contains the primary settings for your server, and after making edits , you must shut down the server and then start it again to ensure that the changes take effect. A file known as ops.txt can be found in your server's folder. This text file allows for you to list all the users who should have administrative privileges on your server. Save the file and then restart the server once you have entered your username. Your banned-players.txt is a helpful tool to stop malicious users. The whitelist.txt file can be used to block users that aren't listed.

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