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"If they would rather die, they had better do it and decrease the surplus population."- this is irony for the character of scrooge as he himself leads an empty life which shows that he is the victim for the complainments made, he thus is a recluse. No family in the capitalisic society except for fred.
"I wear the chain I forged in life."- symbolic asynthetic of the chain that controls you in life, wrong actions will make your 'chain' carry for many of your past burdens.
"His wealth is of no use to him. He don't do any good with it."~ how others view wealth ad our protagonist, he is the victim for his tunnel acts. This also highlights hope for the conteplation of what he has done in the past.
"This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want."- profound symbols for society overall, ignorant are connected to the poverty and how they are tturned to a blind eye. The ignorance creates a cycle for the little contribution for the social injustice and how there is little help provided for them. The girl - us as a reader would have shown a sense of sympathy which would be used by Dickens as a form of didactic device for readers to have a moral belief for the poor in a Thomas Malthusian profound time of the making (victorian era)- dickend used a little girl as a way to pull strings to our protagonist as he has depicted a Thomas Malthusian
"Hard and sharp as flint."-objectifying scrooge as a hard maerial which instates an analogy of Scrooge believe he may act upon a certain way due to society- hard, the ghosts are seen as trying to get through him although he is a 'sharp' to people who try to change him (Fred)
"Mrs Cratchit made the gravy hissing hot; Master Peter mashed the potatoes with incredible vigour; Miss Belinda sweetened up the apple-sauce."-despite being the poor in society, they make an epitome of the opposing for the societies capitalstic views 'vigour' infers they have a sense of pride although being lowly classed in society, this changes scrooge and a readers feel at the time as for the Crachitts family has a sense of togetherness which interferes wirth ordinary perspectives for the middle/ upperclassed readers- no love and affection in other families.
"A churchyard, overrun by weeds, the growth of vegetation's death not life - a worthy place!"~ Forshadowing Scrooges end will be Haroing, without change- this will be his downfall which is highly unwanted by scrooge. this could also be depicted Biblically- as society entirely assures to become more sercular, religion is uncared of up until death~ "overrun by weeds " portryas that as life ends society removes those with control and that the afterlife is what should be cared of instead of a sense of long lost.
"Scrooge was conscious of a thousand odours floating in the air, each one connected with a thousand thoughts and hopes and joys long long forgotten."~ shows a process of scrooge chainging
"The house-fronts looked black enough, and the windows blacker, contrasting with the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs, and with the dirtier snow upon the ground."- snow is a metaphor for the people in society/ symbolises the upperclass that are "snow upon the roofs" this shows the flaws of society that are applied for many people in society... snow that is " dirtier " shows that there is little shown importance to the ground which is a metaphorical to the lower class.

"I am light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school boy, I am as giddy as a drunken man." each of these could be referring to a past event in the story- with "drunken man" being the men on the boat, "An angel" being his dead sister, "a school boy" being himself when he was with Fezziwig and "a feather" referring to the quote "on the wings of the wind" showing how scrooge can now be swept up by god into heaven and not be trapped like the other ghosts in stave 1. Scrooge is convinced himself an affirmed himself due to the repetition of ' I am'
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