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One Person is Thinking of Another Person

A game night at home can be a cost-effective way to bond with your children however it doesn't have to be about stocking up on costly board games full of pieces that can be lost and complex rules. These classic games for the parlor can be made with only the dictionary, pencil and paper, or in certain cases, your imagination (and maybe an electronic timer in the kitchen). Bonus: Bring these out at your next extended family gathering to create memorable moments for all your guests. One player selects a word from a book and the other players create a fake definition. The player who picked the word is asked to shuffle the definitions suggested and then add a card that has the correct answer, and then read all the definitions aloud. The players vote for the most accurate definition and earn points for either completing the definition correctly or coming up with the most popular false definition. All words that are added to the list of to-be-guessed words must be the names of people. Here, "celebrity” means any person that the majority of people would recognize, such as George Washington, Luke Skywalker or Aunt Gladys, or George Washington. To ensure that their team has the correct answer, they can say whatever they want, but not the name of the person. NICISOFT Once all names have been identified, move onto the second round, where players can only say one word. Then in the third round, keep your mouth closed: As in classic Charades, you are allowed to only act. Start by choosing a category - this could be anything from states cities, animals, movies, titles and famous people. then, as a group, go around by naming a thing within that category beginning with the next letter of the alphabet. It sounds easy enough ( It requires quick thinking and a vast knowledge base to win. One player is able to think of a specific person, location or thing - that they can see in the room or not - and the rest of the players alternate asking one question each until they can guess it. And of course you can always begin with the classic question: "Is it bigger than breadbox?). Here's how it works. Create a chart with five sections and one word at the top. Give a copy to every participant. The goal is to find a word in every category that begins with each letter of the word you select. If you're playing during the time of the holiday season and you select the word Santa and your first category is U.S. States, you can fill with South Dakota (Alabama, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas and Texas). There's however a however a catch. If another player picks the exact same word as you, neither one is awarded points. In an alternative where one point is awarded for each correct answer and two points are awarded for each incorrect answer. This is a game that's easy to customize for your family since the categories and the word can be literally anything: category ideas could include animals, names of family members, movie titles, song lyrics, television show characters, superheroes, or vacation spots, and the top word could be holiday-related, the birthday boy's name, the name of the current month, or whatever else comes to mind (try supercalifragilisticexpialidocious for an extra challenge! )." Family Games Treasurehouse. (January 17, 2012)

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