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The Benefits and Risks of Massage


Massage is a powerful natural treatment that promotes healing. It improves circulation and lymph flow which is the body's natural defense system. It helps decrease the tightness, pain, and stress. 군산출장마사지 It also improves the condition of your skin. Numerous studies have proven the benefits of massage. In addition to relieving pain, massage also decreases the production of stress hormones, and also increases the production of positive neurotransmitters such as endorphins and oxytocin.

The blood pressure of people with low blood pressure can be reduced through massages. According to a study that was published in the International Journal of Neuroscience, women who received Swedish massages saw a significant decrease in blood pressure. However, trigger point massages caused the blood pressure to increase. The research suggests that massage can reduce blood pressure, in addition to improving circulation.


There are many types of massages. Certain types may be more suitable for specific needs. A massage can last from thirty minutes to ninety minutes. Massage is intended to reduce tension and increase blood circulation. There are two types of massage: relaxation and therapeutic massages. While therapeutic massages can be more intense, relaxation massages are usually more gentle and have a gentle touch. Swedish massage, for instance is one that employs light to moderate pressure and focuses primarily on techniques that ease knots and relax muscles.

Massages have been utilized for hundreds of years as a way to heal. Massages involve manipulating the tissues and muscles of the body through stroking, kneading and other techniques. Some massages can be used to ease stress, while others can help heal joint and muscles that have been damaged. Certain massages also concentrate on eliminating toxins from the body.

Side effects

Although the primary benefits of a massage far outweigh the risks, there are a few negative side effects that could be experienced. Some people have a slight discomfort following massage, while some experience muscle soreness for two to three days. Most of these adverse effects are not serious, and they will go away with time.

Edema is among the most common adverse effects. It is caused by water buildup in certain areas of the body. Most often, it affects the legs and feet. This side effect is prevented by massage therapists who use smaller strokes and stopping the massage. If you experience any of these side effects, check with your massage therapist to get advice.

Another possibility is bleeding. If the masseuse massages the site of an open fracture or wound the blood could clot and expand. This could lead to a heart attack or stroke. Patients taking blood thinners or who have low platelet counts should be wary of massages.

Take care

Massage therapists should be aware of any contraindications prior to providing massage treatments. These are conditions that may put the therapist at risk. This includes contagious diseases as well as acute medical illnesses. Recent injuries or treatments may also be considered contraindications. If you're not sure, consult your doctor.

Infectious diseases include HIV and AIDS. Massage is contraindicated when you're fighting an infection, or in case you're pregnant. Also, massage can cause blood clots to break loose and be transported to the lungs, heart or even the brain. People with any of these medical conditions should consult with their doctor prior to getting massage therapy.

It is also important to record the client's health history and allergies. Also, ensure that you've cleaned all equipment and surfaces that you use during every session. Consult a client with the doctor if they are suffering from an infection on their skin. When you massage, be careful not to make contact with an open wound or wound.


The cost of a massage therapy session will depend on how much the client is willing and be able to pay. Some massage therapists offer services at a reduced cost as opposed to more expensive massages. Massages can be covered under some insurance policies to relieve pain and treat injuries. You can inquire with your insurance company about massage coverage or you can get a package deal that covers massage and insurance.

If you're a new client, you may be eligible to receive a discounted fee or free mini-massages. To save money on massages, consider purchasing massage packages if you plan to keep receiving them. You might also consider joining a massage group to receive discounts on massages.
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