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♦ Speacial Note:
Greetings, user. By accessing this file you are most likely looking for answers. Reading these lines means you have been granted temporary Ω Clearance. As soon as you have finished reading the following logs, you will lose all rights to access further information within this clearance level.

♦ Brief Description:
The following logs explain the situation that took place during the past weeks. The main subjects are about the "Redacted Coalition" of ThraxPain as well as ChaosInsurgencySCP's plan.

♦ The beginning of the latest "Chain of Operations":
A few weeks ago some conflicts started because of some sleeper cells, power hunger of a specific O5 as well as the power hunger of a specific personnel. In order to keep the operation secret, AlexSein managed to manipulate the hate and anger of the group towards himself. Every single personnel that involved in the operation without clearance got punished accordingly.

♦ A mental break down or a strategy?
At some point during the past week, AlexSein "resigned" from his position in order to gather all the required data on the possible threats of the Foundation. While the public was pushed into believing that Alex quit, he was actually working behind the scenes.

<Opening Intelligence Folder>

♦ Fake Chaos Insurgency - ChaosInsurgencySCP:
Various personnel found out about this person. ChaosInsurgencySCP is a former O5 of the group mainly called "ApocalypticElitez". As far as we are concerned, his main is banned. Leaving aside the situation of his main, CISCP (ChaosInsurgencySCP) is aiming to troll the Foundation by sharing fake information, pushing easily manipulated personnel into comitting treason or attempting to as well as exiling those he targets. CISCP is not a real threat. He has no power over the exile or demotion of any of the personnel. His targets so far were actual "sinners". The discommisioned agents were abusive, corrupted or actual sleeper cells of HeriesBoyed.

♦ Chaos Insurgency - HeriesBoyed/Boyed3:
Boyed's CI group is a war group. It shows no actual threat to our universe either because Boyed himself admitted he only comes to troll on our site. While he did admit he trolls, he also admitted that his group is a war group. We believe that as long as we do not involve with his group, he won't involve with our SCPVerse either because after all, that's fairplay.

♦ Redacted Coalition - ThraxPain:
Group of young rebels aiming to take over our group. They are former Foundation personnel that out of selfishness, personal gain and need of power decided to break their ties with our group. Their former goal was to take down AlexSein because they keep thinking he is a former CI agent as well as actually Glovoc. Yet, because these children that use the "anarchy" logo are extremly logical, they are blaming for being a former CI agent when in fact they are themselves ALLIED to both Heries and CISCP. Considering the data received from our agents, the Redacted Coalition aims to take down the current O5+ and then take over the group (our Foundation) simply because they claim it is corrupted. Aside from "destroying" our Foundation, they also seem to hold a grudge against Global Occult Coallition (GOC).

Attention: Redacted Coalition has no actual proof of any of their claims and moreover they are dangerous simply because they consider illogical thinking to be logical.

♦ CI-Live:
CI-Live is a Intelligence Agency copy created by CISCP (ChaosInsurgencySCP) to troll our personnel even further. CI-Live is a group whose members are former enemies or known exploiters of our site (e.g: Paliusss ; formerly BigTelamon - not anymore - ; Expioter ; etc.). They can be a threat when they exploit, but that is pretty much it.

♦ Final Note:
Before jumping to conclusion, actually consider what O5s are telling you because in most of the cases they are fully aware of the situation, if not contact O5X.

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