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Effective self-study of Japanese
zing 's not uncommon for a Japanese learner to ask themselves: is self-studying possible? Don't worry, you're not alone. To be honest, I thought it was crazy to think anyone could learn one of the most difficult languages in the world without a teacher.

Having graduated from college, I challenged myself with this tough goal, and I was able to achieve it (in some measure). A year after I fully self-studied Japanese for 1 year, I passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N2, only to discover it wasn't THAT impressive as I originally thought. Later, I'll discuss that in more detail, but let me tell you a few things about how I learned Japanese by myself and passed the JLPT N2 with a score of 97 / 180.

The hard part is to learn 2000 Kanji characters besides remembering hiragana and katakana. For the first month of my 1-year journal, I decided to temporarily skip learning Kanji because it gave me a headache. Why don't Japanese people use only hiragana like Koreans do? All of us would benefit from that. The Kanji used to disgust me, and I later became enamored with it.

There is a famous book by Heisig called Remembering the Kanji. For all Japanese learners who want to learn Kanji quickly and easily, this book is a must-have. By creating a story or image for every Kanji, you will not forget them. Despite there being no guarantee that this book will work for every person or that you will become a Kanji expert after using it, it is certainly the best among the many books available for learning Chinese characters.

This book lacks the on and kun readings for each character, which is a downside. We can easily learn to read the characters somewhere else, so the author wants to show us how to remember them the best. The on and kun reading of each character shouldn't be too difficult to find on Google if you're a serious learner.

By writing as many sentences and short essays as you can, you will become familiar with writing the Kanji. The key to remembering a word is to repeat it in various sentences over and over until you finally remember it. As well as typing your sentences to your computer, you should ask someone else to check them for grammatical errors.

In audio, video, and pdf formats, they have thousands of lessons. The Japanese lessons contained in this website are probably the most comprehensive you will find online. There are four main categories for the lessons: Absolute Beginner, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. The lessons in each category are divided into several seasons, and each season contains more than 20 lessons. To learn offline, you can download the pdf and mp3 files from the website.
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