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s on power points:
- First hearing of the KKK was in 1866. Founded in Pulaski Tennessee. Name from the Greek word “Kyklos” which means circle. Fell and rose many times in population.
-they were against any power of rights an African American might have.
-this was the Ku Klux Klan or known as the KKK.
-this group began in Tennessee in 1866 after WWII.
- First ruler f Klan Nathan Bedford was the “Grand Wizard”. The group split up a lot of times and changed rulers. Different Klan’s for different regions.
-America’s oldest domestic terrorist group, their racist, against Roman Catholic, Jews, communists, foreigners, and organized. Raging hate crimes.
-lynched, held night parades, wore white robes, and crime rose in the 1960’s.
-branched out to small Klan’s, spread throughout the southern area in the United States, The KKK expanded immensely since 2008.
Great Depression:
-Motivation: families did entertainment, tried to pass this time, try to play outside, just trying to pass this time.
-loss: unemployment rate went down, the average income fell, over 2,000 people lost their homes in the depression, dust storms ruined many crops, and a lot of husbands deserted their families.
-Food: bread was stable food; ketchup sandwich, road kill, potato soup.
-Starvation: families crowded in shacks, saved money by neglecting medical and dental care, Hoover thought people were exaggerating that they were starving.
-School: children quit school to help their families, most families had 10-18 children, and school districts could often not pay their teachers. The weather conditions made it hard for the people.
-during this time the music and movie industry thrived.
Civil Rights Movement
-Four black students begin a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth’s lunch counter. Service is refused but they are allowed to stay at the counter.
-the students were respectful, and they dressed nicely.
-April 1960m students form the north and the south came together and formed the student nonviolent coordinating committee. (SNCC).
-February 27, sit-in students in Nashville were attacked by a group of white teenagers. Once police arrived the white teens were let go while the protesters were arrested for “disorderly conduct”.
-a lot of students were arrested.
-media got the attention of the sit-in.
-Eventually a passage of the civil rights act of 1964 declared segregation at lunch counters unlawful.
-Rosa park was born in Alabama, and she got the freedom award, and she quit school to take care of her grandmother and her mother.
-Rosa Parks was on the bus, she asked to give up her seat but she didn’t and then so the police took her away.
-she was found guilty of violating the ordinance. She was fined 10 dollars and 4 dollars for the court fee. They boycotted by finding other transportations.
-1943, she was a secretary of the NAACP and then a leader. 1965-1988 she worked for the homeless and house of representatives John Conyers.
-they were sure that it was Rosa parks with the documents found.
-a crime is an action that constitutes and offense that may be object by the state, and is punishable by the law. Common people that can be seen breaking the law include adults in their early teens to mid-40’s.
-America is number one in crime.
American common punishments: probation, prison/Jail, boot camps, the death penalty.
Australian common punishments: flogging, solitary confinement, leg irons, whipping, prison/jail.
March on Selma
-the start: way back to January 2, 1965 MLK jr. and SCLC joined to stop extreme voting restriction on colored people in Alabama.
-SCLC: this stands for southern Christian leadership conference.
-SNCC: stand for student nonviolent coordinating committee. They were very independent of MLK and SCLC. They made their own projects and strategies.
-MLK jr. was a leader of all leading many important marches and many inspirational speeches as he was alive. MLK jr. lead the march on Selma march 9. This is 2 day after bloody Sunday.
-Bloody Sunday: this was considered a bloody Sunday after the first attempt of a peaceful march from Selma to Montgomery.
-Second Attempt to Montgomery: this march didn’t turn out like bloody Sunday, instead they all kneeled and prayed.
-what it accomplished: august 6, President Johnson signed the voting rights act of 1965. Allowing colored to vote.
Criminal justice
-capital punishment was used in the U.K. from 1707 to 1998. At that height of the bloody code, there were up to 220 crimes punishable by death. Death sentence is currently legal in 32 states.
-old punishments were very cruel compared to today.
-crimes that can lead to a life are: murder, attempted murder, terrorism, and genocide.
Jim Crow Laws
-from the 1880s into the 1960s, a majority of American States enforced segregation through Jim Crow Law.
-mining: the baths and lockers for the Negroes shall be separate from the white race, but may be in the same building. Oklahoma.
-a white child cannot go into the custody of a colored person. Colored can’t adopt white child. The colored sat in the back of the theater where you can’t hear and the view is horrible.
-colored protested against the Jim Crow laws.
Freedom Ride
-the colored and white were going from Washington dc to Alabama, north to south. The reason why people did this was because they wanted to test the supreme courts and segregation law.
-this affected Africa and the world because when people saw it could be done here, everyone saw that and people started to look around to be free.
Dust Bowl and Hoovervilles
-the dust bowl was when dust storms blew through the mid-south and farmers couldn’t grow crops.
-prices went up for food; had to get food from other countries and many farmers lost their homes and farms, and couldn’t feed their families.
-they got rid of dust storms by planting trees and teaching farmers not to lift up the dirt when planting and harvesting.
-Hoovervilles: were named after president hoover they blamed him to the economy during the great depression.
-Seattle’s main hoovervilles was one of the largest, longest-lasting, and best documented in the nation. It stood for ten years.
-they got rid of hoovervilles by FDR and his new deal that gave money to the homeless so they could get out of debt.

Klu klux Klan

* First hearing of the KKK was in 1866 after the Civil War
* Founded in Pulaski, Tennessee
* Name came from Greek word "Kyklos" which means circle
* Fell and rose many times with population
* First ruler of the Klan was General Nathan Bedford Forest
* A confederate chosen as the "Grand Wizard" or confederate of the Klan
* Different Klan's in different areas
* America's oldest domestic terrorist group
* Racist, anti-Sematic association with big goals of segregation against Jews, Catholics, Communists, foreigners, organized workers, labor unions
* White supremacy was their objective
* Would hang people or lynch them if they were a different race
* Held mob parades, wore white robes because it linked them to heroism; started bombing, shooting, beating people of black & white activists in the 1960's after Civil Rights Movement
* Branched out to many small Klan's called Klaverns
* Spread throughout South US; KKK expanded immensely after Obama won the presidential election
* Ex Grand Wizard wanted to run for President but was disqualified because of tax evasion


* Know as the KKK; one of the most notable anti-black groups
* A group of white American supremacist that had much hate to all colored people
* Violent and brutally assaulted or killed African Americans
* Opposed of the Civil Rights Movement and began KKK in attempt to keep ex slaves from voting into political offices
* First real terrorist group within the US
* Founders were veterans and captains of the Civil War
* Goal: Have power and create white supremacy organizations such as the KKK to stop black people from voting, then get all different raced people such as Hispanics, Jews, Catholics, etc.
* Klan showed a friendly side to all white Americans by having picnics, parades, and rallies but most events had a twist to the hate of African Americans and other non-Americans
* Members have dropped significantly after the Civil Rights Movement , only a couple thousand members spread around the US

Family Life

* Families neglected medical and dental care to save money
* Families in Pennsylvania coal fields lived on wild weeds
* Hoover exaggerated by saying that the hoboes weren't starving
* In NY, there were 20 known cases of starvation; in 1934, there were 110 deaths caused by hunger
* Poor African nations were sending money
* Most families that had children between 10-18 worked in places like factories

Student Sit-Ins

* Students would go to a lunch counter and ask to be served. If they didn't, they could keep moving until they did. A new group would take their place.
* Dressed nicely and behaved honorably
* Students from North and the South came together and formed the Student Nonviolent Coordinating committee; over 70,000 participants by Aug 1961

* Students from across the country became active participants in the civil rights movement

Crime & Punishemtn

* Australian common punishments: flogging, leg irons, whipping, solitary confinement, prison/jail
* Common felonies: drug abuse, burglary, theft, intoxicated driving, vandalism, domestic violence, fraud

* Motives: hate crime, robbery, jealousy, revenge, mob contract, copy-cat

* Jail: short term lock ups ran by country sheriffs or the county
* Prison: long term lock ups ran by state on federal gov't

March on Selma

* MLK Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) joined with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in Selma, AL
* MLK Jr. and SCLC joined to stop extreme voting restriction on colored people in Alabama

* Jan 1957. After success of Montgomery Boycott, MLK was president of SCLC

* SCLC turned to Northern ghettos with Chicago Freedom Movement

* SNCC founded in April 1960 by young people who became leader in the sit-in protest earlier that year

Popular Culture

* Most popular genres of music were folk songs and the blues
* Films were popular to go to in the theatre's for entertainment at those times. One of the most popular movies were the silent films that were played with the well known Charlie Chaplin.

Crminal Justice

* Capital punishment was used in the UK from 1777 to 1998
* At height of the Bloody Code, there were up to 220 crimes punishable by death
* In 1908, children under 16 could no longer be executed in UK
* In 1931, pregnant women could no longer be executed inUK

Death sentence is legal in 32 US states

* Methods have changed over time; current is lethal injection

Freedom Ride

* Whites and blacks came from the North (Washington, DC) and tried to take integrated busses down to Alabama to point out the issues that were going on

* They were doing it to protest and make a scene

Rosa Parks

* Members of the African-American community were asked to stay off in support of her. They had an idea to boycott the busses to support Rosa Parks that she was getting arrested.

* Other transportations beside the bus were to stay home from work or school, take a cab, or walk to work.

* She was found guilty of violating the ordinance even though she had many supporters. She was fined $10 and a $4 court fee.

* She inspired others, including MLK Jr. to use non violence and civil disobedience as a way to protest problems in society

Dust Bowl & Hoovervilles

* It was when dust storms blew through the Mid South (Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas) and farmers couldn't grow any crops.

* This happened during the Great Depression so prices on food went up extremely
* Hoovervilles were named after President Hoover; they blamed him to the economy during the Great Depression

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