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residential solar programs

The reason I am calling is just to give you quick information about this rebate programs that, A LOT of home owners qualify for solar rebate which is up to $4000 eventhough most people don’t know about it! So I am checking that you are qualified for rebate or not.YET.

So May I confirm that have you got any solar panels?(if yes then which kind electricity or hot water)

Are you the owner of this property?

Well you are equally qualified for the rebate on solar panels which up to $ I am doing for your better information and understanding I am just providing all the information in black and white at your doorstep along with one of our solar expert advisor who is working in your area on this coming DAY.He will visit your place discuss with you that how much rebate you are entitled for,how much money you will save and solar panels will be beneficial for you or not in coming future,
After grabing all the info. If you find anything good and beneficial for you simply go ahead and enjoy the benefit otherwise you can leave it as it is because you are no obligation and this home consultation is completely free from my company side,
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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