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51 reasons why I love you

1) Whenever I am down and don't want to talk to anyone, you're always there for me to make me feel better
2) When we are getting ready and I mess up your hair on important occasions you still look perfect and forgive me
3) When you look at me and smile it's like imagining what heaven looks like
4) When I need someone to entertain me your always there finding cute little ways to talk to me/ amuse me
5) Eventho you hate effort you always make the effort for me (eventho you dont have to :) )
6) When you run super fast with millie you always wait for me and alfie while we walk
7) When youre amused by the slighest things like bullying my pancake
8) When we wake and up dont want to you still sacrifice that and wake me up so we don't get murdered
9) When you always say cute things to make me feel positive
10) When you encourage me to do things I am not confident to do like ice scating
11) Because you're getting more confident in yourself
12) Because I trust you with my life
13) Because you're also my best friend and soul mate
14) Because even if it is raining it's fun to just be there looking at you have fun
15) Because you're so helpful to other people around you
16) Because git cum shirted xD
17) You fail at feeding me but you enjoy it which is great :D
18) You always help me with my maths when I am struggling even when you dont have to either
19) You always look out for me to make sure im ok
20) You have an afro which dies in seconds which is sad but adorable
21) Whenever you was sad you'd always just hug me till you feel a little better
22) You hug/kiss me at random because you're adorable
23) You're nice to my demon cat
24) You somehow want pancake to poo on me D:
25) When you add weird cheese to your toast you looked so happy
26) You encourage me to eat foods which are healthy to me :)
27) I loved waking up to you (at 4am)
28) I loved how you walked in to say good morning
29) You protect me from anything that might hurt me apart from games
30) You share your food with me which is cute
31) We're both lazy when we cant be bothered :D
32) When you make cute jokes which aren't funny but they are
33) When you tickle/poke me for no reason
34) When you tried to avoid the cream egg but you have to have a cream egg
35) I loved snuggling with you while we watched movies
36) When we made people around us sick
37) Because theres a perfect future in front of us
38) Because it will be nice seeing you
39) As we can communicate with eachother
40) Your like a squishy marshmellow
41) You have the sweetest laugh
42) You have the derpiest hair ever its so funny as it stays up :D
43) You are also a pillow perv, zip murderer, gel murderer, cake murderer, jess hitler
44) You're a very smart bean
45) Your personality is so so incredible
46) You have amazing blue eyes
47) I have a photo of you and you look like a fish and it brightens my day but you dont know about this
48) I love your sense of humour to everything
49) You let me put make up on you
50) You have always been there for me
51) Because you loved me
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Regards; Team

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