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tutorial with figs 2.

intersection into the site
pass through the garden, the sounds of the students, things being made, machines blaring,
charged voids, relating to the context smithsons
nolli plan to show the significance of such a building
ven diagram insitution and civic space blurred
grafton milan uni
the patterns of carlingford the small houses then large structure
small building footprint
elevations passing through the buildings to show the site
section to show the hatch of the massing
creating a new public space
a new route something that hasnt been created in hndreds of years
look at the context of the bistro which holds on to the qualities of the carlingford history
intimacy with the art
three, four floors to create the feelings i want to of the streetscape
screet scape ties in with the contexual findings
maybe dont use the site 3, the 4th site is perfect for my ideas
could have a building that offers a full view of carlingford, nothing has that at the minute bar slieve foy
the garden becomes a new street/ route/ civic space/
keep looking at precedents
consider queens vs uub
queens has a district that you know is a uni district, there is a feeling, people want to walk through the area, queens botanic gardens

the new uub building has spaces that are wrapped as one building, you dont walk through it unless you have to, queens you want to walk through, can that be inplimented in this design to create a space that is interesting that people want to enage with?
the street context become important
section through carlingford to show the tall buildings in comparision to the small buildings
the college will be a building of importance
this idea wraps into the dna of carlingford/ doesnt feel alien
the small footprint that gets heavier on the way up will generate voids and lightwells ideal for the college feel.
consider the effects of this new route
look at the maths.
top floor students
elevations and sections are the important thing atm
new route that hasnt been created in hundreds of years.
powerful images/ senses of walking through and around this path with the sounds of students and the machines buzzing above you, what your walking past is the fruits of the students labour. powerful imagery.
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