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Hi Faruk.
First of all, I hope you're not angry. It's the best not to be angry if you read stuff like this.
Secondly, if you're reading this, you should know that I am done.
I'm completely done with friendships over the internet. I can never have them.
I'm also going back to my psychologist, because my depression has become even worse because of the situation in League.

I just want to get something off my chest.
All this time, it feels like you're choosing Apple's side. That's no problem, since you met her way before me. The only real struggle here is is that you guys almost teamed up against me.
You will never leave Apple.
You left me, but saying that Apple needed to be more mature and that she was selfish.
But when you left me, you fucking played again with her.

That's enough proof that you two teamed up to get rid of me.
And that hurts.
But awh, well, I shouldn't be such a pussy about it. That's what Apple would say. (''You have enough friends'' Hunny, I don't, that's the reason I started playing League of Legends. Because I am lonely.)
But in both of your eyes I'm an overdramatic bitch who cannot do anything properly instead of fighting and killstealing.

I hope that you're proud of what you guys both did to me.
I'm completely drained because of all the fighting.

All I wanted was to have friends.
That's ALL I wanted.
And here I am, even more exhausted and drained than I already was, with as a result: absolutely nothing.

[18:43] Its An Apple: nice going extreme for the attention once again
Oh, it hurts me so much.
It hurts me SO FUCKING MUCH.
Nobody takes it seriously.

And that's one of the main reasons why I'm going to end it all along.

Oh, I hope that Apple is happy that she made a girl in Holland commit suicide.

I hope that you are proud of yourself, Apple.
I REALLY hope you are.

Orange, to you I have nothing else to say them: You should have told me that you didn't like me.
It would have solved a lot.

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Regards; Team

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