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Medulla - Brain stem - life support
Pons - connects brain to body - Left side of brain controls right body etc & stops dream movement
Cerebellum - Controls balance and coordinates muscle movements - bipedal - alcohol affects this
Thalamus - processes and distributes motor & sensory info. But not smell
Hypothalamus - "Darwin survival" - eating drinking, sexual arousal, fight vs flight
Hippocampus - Learning & formation of memories. Tracks patterns and matches them. Some
Amygdala - Fear specific
Occipital lobes - Visual processing - world flipped - visual fields not separate eyes - "map" info
Temporal lobes - Memory & auditory & verbal - amnesiacs and aphasia
Parietal lobes - Connects details with the whole - "long curved and yellow " != "banana"
Somatasensory cortex - map of body sensitive to touch, more space = more sensitive, damage means difficulty distinguishing between different types of touch - phantom limb sensation
Frontal lobes - human qualities - social behavior and instruction following - complex emotions - suppress irrelevant emotions - details about memories "who said the thing" - damage = harder to filter out extraneous info, loss of social cues, cannot anticipate risk, no empathy, no gut feeling, cannot gamble.
Broca's area - speak in tongues - not just voice, works with asl as well - "cant find the right words"
Motor cortex - fine motor control
Right side of brain & left visual field = face and spatial processing
Left side of brain & right visual field = verbal and word interpretation
Corpus Callosum - connects the two. Damage = "two brains", one cannot describe verbally, the other cannot understand visually. Results in verbal side "interpreting" the spacial sides actions, sometimes erroneously

Germinal period (0-2 weeks) - conception -> successful implantation in uterus - implantation is reason for no baby, not non-conception
Embryonic period (3-8 weeks) - implantation -> formation of bone cells - pregnancy becomes testable - generation of organs and dangerous period
Organogenesis - cell differentiation of major organ systems - risk from toxins and chems greatest
Fetal Period (9weeks-birth) - at WEEK 28, Age of Viability - premature births have a chance - simple reflexes and primitive memories
Birth - babe has nearly all neurons - brain triples in size due to myelenation (fat around connections), axon (connection) lengthening, dendretic branching, Glial cells (maintenance and structural support), pruning happens

Phonology - meaningful sounds
Morphology - Add sounds to words to change meaning
Syntax - how words combine
Semantics - word meanings
Pragmatics - language change based on social situations

Language milestones
Cooing (3-5weeks) - "plays" with new sounds, melodic
Babbling (4-6months) - trying out and eventually discarding phonemes based on language
Telegraphic speech (18-24months) - small sentences "more milk"
Complete sentences (2-5years) - huge variability bc environment, first/later born, "dont need to speak", possibly IQ

Signing kids babble

Schema - how do I perceive the world?
Assimilation - maintain existing schema - easy
Accommodation - change schema with new ideas - hard

Sensorimotor Period (0-2years) - feedback loops (banging on counter) - coordinating sensations with actions - creates a schema
early - fail object permanence - later - pass
attachment happens here ^
simulated physics
passes delayed imitation at the end
symbolic representation is the link between this and next
Preoperational period (2-7years) - Visualize and symbolic representation for make believe
cannot part with egocentricity (three mountains)
Conservation task (water from glass into cylander)
cannot reverse mental operations
Centration - cannot disregard the most salient change, even though not relevant
False belief task (m&ms in crayon box) - assumes everyone else knows what they know
Concrete Operational (7-11years) - Cannot use logic
breaking glass with a feather
Better reasoning, but still no abstract reasoning "cant change schema"
is why algebra is hard
Formal Operational period (begins at adolescence)
Stranger anxiety (first @ 6-12 months)
Separation anxiety (peaks @ 15 months)
Social referencing

Indulgent parenting - give em everything
Authoritarrrrrrian - give em nothing - rrrrrrrawr
Authoritative - give em some
Neglectful - what?

Adult daughters care for parents more
Parents dont want care

Transduction = synesthia "hear colors"

Absolute threshold - can detect >50% of the time
JND = just noticible difference
Webers law - if stimuli is higher, JND must be larger for detections
Sensory adaptation - cold pool

Rods = light
Cones = color and resolution
inner circle = only cones = fovea/foveating
Ganglion cells - connect rods and cones to optic nerve. Cones 1or2:1, rods 100:1
Light is RGB, eyes are opponent-process theory

Stroop effect - colored words - hard to name the color of the words
Law of Pragnanz - The best, the simplest, the most stable

Two eye effects - Convergance & Retinal disparity
One - Motion parallax
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