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Bloxxy Radar is your best friend, however you should not ALWAYS rely on this tool. Criminals know the radius of the bloxxy
and use this knowledge to dodge it and not appear on it, they make sure to stay out of your radius, I did this all the
time it works like a charm. This is why you must also ZOOM OUT, I can not stress this enough. Zooming out and searching
the full perimeter is very useful and hard for criminals to escape from.

Criminals are always going to make themself seem innocent, I am very good at this. You need the experience to be able
to spot out a liar. Certain techniques that they may use to make themself seem innocent include : They make sure to not
rage, these people are smart and know raging will make them stand out so they always remain calm and just state their side
to appear humble. However you must not always use this knowledge to call someone a liar due to the fact that some people
may actually just be humble. This is wear a background check comes in.

Background checks. If a visitor looks like an alt, most likely they are an ex-RIC who knows this base inside and out, and
know exactly how to trick you and escape you. If you see alts as a visitor you must watch them, DO NOT FOLLOW THEM, use
your handy zoom feature to watch them from afar, this way they will think they are doing crimes un-watched. If you watch
them they will begin to troll you, and will try to get you to false arrest them.

Ever heard of the term body language? This term is used in ROBLOX too. If a visitor is walking around alone, away from
everyone else and staying on the downlow, most likely they are planning to commit a crime. This is where you start
to zoom out and watch them to make sure they don't do anything. If the visitor is experienced and is pro at what he does
he will also zoom out and spot you, he will then stay out of your bloxxy range by going through corners, buildings, trust
me it is very obvious to spot this odd behavior. Make sure to keep watch on these people and make them feel like they are
not being followed/watched.

Your top priority as an MP is to arrest the criminals. If you are at the latte shop and an AOS joins on the RIC Team, you
should reset and catch the AOS to make sure they don't get away. I do this all the time, just re-purchase your gear. Also,
as an MP you NEED to remember all the names on the trello. If you react lately to a warrant/AOS's arrival they will escape
and then you will be on a goose hunt.

If a visitor manages to escape to the point where you can't find him, you can choose to call a kiowa or you can check these
key places: BM by gas station, BM island, Mansion, CP tunnel, River/Docks, Vehicle BM, CP/Border, T3 BM, Raider base.

You must know that these visitors know the HQ inside and out, which means they can get away from you without even trying.
This is why you must zoom out, keep track of where they go, and you must also too know the HQ inside and out, we will
do chase drills so you can learn with a hands-on experience.

As an MP, you must always have a bloxxy, a riot shield, and about 5 rockets. You must wisely place these items in your
inventory, your riot shield must be placed in a position where you can quickly access it and not die when a civi goes
rogue and starts to fire on you.

As an MP, you must always keep an eye on the radio to know what is going on in different areas, if you are in town and a
PVT screams on radio that he got killed by a civi at CP, the only way you will recieve the information is through the radio

If a visitor says something such as, "Im gonna GTA this car, lol jk" or Shoots randomly for no reason, the most likely
crime that they will commit it Murder of RIC, or shooting RIC and lying saying it was not them and they are innocent.

If a visitor is staying away from everyone and doing his own thing acting low-key, the most likely crime they will commit
is a mortar attack or a CP bombing.

If a visitor that is at CP dies, and rages saying abuse they will most likely come back seeking revenge either with a legal
weapon or BM.

If a visitor that is at CP dies, and stayes quiet and does not complain, they will most like just mortar or bomb the CP.

If a visitor is just being a troll and trying to act funny, they most likely will try to get false arrested, do a crime
and say that it was not them, or they might just be a troll who has nothing else to do.
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Regards; Team

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