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      Once upon a time, in a small town in Michigan, lived a lovely couple. They had found out that they were going to have a baby girl. They were extremely excited for it was their first time having a child and they had been longing for one for many, many years.     
    They told everyone they knew until the whole town knew that the couple was expecting a child. They had their baby shower about 1 month after they received the wonderful news.
    The couple invited the whole town to come to the party, except one person. That person’s name was Ravana. Ravana had gone to highschool with the couple but she had never talked to them.
    The couple found Ravana very odd for she would always carry around a small doll and talk to it and act like she was whispering to it.
    Little did the couple know was that that same little doll that Ravana used to carry around would ruin their beloved daughter’s life.

      On the day of the baby shower, the whole town appeared at the house of the couple. The couple was delighted to see so many smiles and jumps of joy on their front lawn.
    “Thank you for coming everyone!” said the husband. “ I am so glad to have all of you here. Feel free to come inside, get some food, and just have fun. One more thing, later on tonight we will be opening any presents that we might have. Thank you so much for coming!”
    Many people entered the house after the short speech while others stayed outside to enjoy the fresh air and the bright sun.
The party had being going on for about 4 hours when the couple heard the sound of breaking glass in the kitchen.
    They went to go see what had happened, when they saw Ravana standing by the counter with her doll.
“Ravana!” shouted the wife. “What are you doing?!”, she asked in an angry but worried voice.
“I heard you were having a party so I decided to come by and say hello to everyone” Ravana said with an evil smirk on her face.
   Ravana started to pull her doll close to her face until she began to start whispering to it, staring at the frightened couple while doing so.
Although the words coming out of Ravana’s mouth were inaudible, there was one word that was heard very clearly. That word was “curse”. This frightened the couple.
    “What are you doing?” asked the husband in a frightened voice.
“Oh nothing, just putting a little curse on your little daughter”.
“You wouldn’t dare!” shouted the wife in horror and despair.
“Well, you realize that this wouldn’t be happening if would have just invited me!”
“Fine, you can stay just please remove the curse and stop all this nonsense!” cried the wife.
“ No thanks, I have to run some errands so I don’t really have time to be here but thank you for the offer”
“Before you leave” said the wife, “what kind of curse did you put on our daughter?”
“All I can say is that something will happen on the day of her 16th birthday when the clock strikes 12 ”.
The wife was so overwhelmed by everything that was happening that she fainted right there in front of everybody. Everyone was worried for the baby’s sake and the wife’s sake but they were both fine according to the doctor the couple visited the next day. While everyone was huddled around the wife, Ravana escaped through the back door laughing all they way home.

    8 months after the incident, the baby was born. Her name was Amara and she was the most beautiful little girl in all of town. She had sparkling blue eyes and shiny, golden, blonde hair. Her skin shone like the sun under the light. She was very, very beautiful.
    Amara was around three years old when her parents found out that she was truly special. When she sung in the backyard, deers and bunnies and squirrels would crowd around her, listening to her beautiful voice.

    Ravana lived deep in the woods near a big flower bed and a big bush with pink and red roses growing on them.
Amara loved to pick flowers in the spring and summer. She would always walk passed Ravana’s house while she was walking to pick out some flowers for her mother. She loved to decorate her mother’s hair with flowers and this golden glitter that she had in her room. She liked to decorate her own hair too.
    She would see Ravana at the grocery store every once in awhile. Ravana frightened Amara. Ravana had a scrunched up back and a large wart on her nose. She would stare at Ravana when she started whispering to her doll.
    When Amara was very little and just learning to walk, she saw Ravana at the park and noticed her doll. She didn’t notice her horrible facial features are her dark torn up cloak and pants. She only saw the doll. Amara ran to Ravana and tried to grab to doll. Ravana ran away before Amara could grab her doll, dragging Amara along behind her.
   Amara had fallen when Ravana ran away and decided to grab onto Ravana’s cloak. When Ravana started running, she didn’t let go. Her parents started chasing after both Amara and Ravana. When Amara was finally rescued by her parents, she already had scraped knees and a whole in her sock. This was one of Amara’s first memories and it scarred her.
    That is one of the reason’s why she was scared of Ravana. Nonetheless, she was a very beautiful and happy little girl.

    Years and years passed, and Ravana was getting more and more excited for the dreadful day to come, while Amara’s parents were getting more and more worried for their daughters sake. Amara’s parents never told their daughter about the curse for they didn’t want to worry their daughter.
The couple waited anxiously for the day to come, hoping and praying for their daughter’s safety every single day.

    Amara was a normal, but very intelligent and beautiful girl. Was just like any other girl. She got her first phone when she was 12 years old. Amara was a very responsible person and was also very helpful around the house and around the community as well. She would go in the woods to pick up any trash that she would find and would also make sure that everyone in her household recycled. Keeping wildlife safe was very important to her. Because of all her hard work, her parents thought that Amara deserved a phone.
As a late birthday present for her 15th birthday, Amara received a car. Her parents were unsure of their decision but realized again, that their daughter deserved a car just as much as she deserved her phone.
    Soon, Amara’s 16th birthday came. Her parents woke up with tears in the eyes and she didn’t understand why. On that very day, her parents explained everything to her. Or at least they tried to.
    “Why are you crying? It’s my birthday!” Amara said giggling.
“Sweety, there is something we need to tell you….” Amara’s mother said, looking down at the floor.
Amara was starting to worry.
“Mom and Dad, do you realize that today is my birthday?”
“Yes, honey”
“And my birthday is supposed to be a happy day, a day with no worries at all, so I think it’s best if you don’t tell me”
“No. I refuse to listen to your news” Amara said.
This continued
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