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Chapter 2

April was walking through the halls as slowly as possible, she didn’t want to get caught by Ashley and her minions. A Sense of sadness and alarm washed over her as she saw ashley out the window, bragging to everyone about her most recent iPhone (apparently, she gets one every week). Who was she kidding? She would have to see her again. She wondered what school would be like without bullies or fake friends that prefer others over you, and if they were replaced by welcoming friends. Ones who didn’t care about look, personality, social status or wealth. Her mind drifted off o that thought. While she was going over the intelligence of her dream friends, she arrived to the door and went outside, forgetting about reality. However, she rapidly snapped back to attention when she heard Ashley’s sickening voice. Her face turned pink again. Ashley sneered. “Hey, Art Spill Splinter!” She said casually. “How many times have you called your Mooo-my today? Oh wait, you don’t even have a phone!” she paused to cruelly laugh. Tears prickled in April’s eyes. She wanted to scream”it’s April Sprinkler,Ashley! Aren’t you SMART’ enough to know THAT?? “She couldn’t, she just couldn’t! The lump in her throat started choking her. The greedy girl snickered! “Crying already? Well i shouldn’t be surprised. There were roars of laughter coming from every direction. April couldn’t take it anymore. Her face went from pink to beet red. About to burst in tears, she ran away. Away from school. Away from Ashley, the bully of an innocent victim. Away from the students who were never her friends. Away from exclusion. April hurried as fast as her legs could carry her. She didn’t care where she would end up, she didn’t care about anything. Back at the pool Crescent Elementary, everybody left. Everyone continued as if nothing had happened.A few minutes later, April was still barrelling ahead as quickly as she can. She ran and ran, hair flying, legs whizzing, cheeks puffing, backpack jumping, without stopping. When April got too exhausted, she sat down on the grass and looked around. She saw a bunch of houses on top of each other. The houses on the hill! Home! April fled up the stairs to her house. She flung the door open and cried “ Mommy? Daddy? I’m home! There was no answer. Now April knew that every other day her dad would go to work and in between, he would work from home. This was one the days he was at home. Her mother was a stay home mum.. April tried again louder this time. “mum,Dad,Hello? I am home! Aren’t you surprised?!” still no answer. April looked around frantically, getting more and more panicked. At last,she went to her balcony. There she saw all the animals. However, she didn’t hear the usual welcoming sounds. It was dead silence. April knew well enough about animals to know they were not injured or dead. They were in an incredibly deep sleep. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t wake them up. She lost hope, screaming and crying. She flew outside the door and dashed towards the exit.

Chapter 3

Running on and on, April new mission was to find her parents. She crossed Pool Crescent Elementary and shivered through it), Groceryptus, the everything store and her mum’s favorite place to shop. She even looked around the seas and waterways. Finally, April ventured into Whitestone woods..She didn’t expect them to be there but it was worth a try. The fuzzy leaves raining on her parakeet green sweater and the oak trees joyfully making a way for her,which slightly brightened her mood, but not for long. After around 10 minutes walking, April began to realize something else. The trees were becoming darker. Soon, the once healthy-looking tree trunks became darker than seal brown color. Before, April didn’t really pay attention, but now , she began to question it. Suddenly, something very peculiar happened. A crash! As fast as sound travels, she whipped her head to the direction of the sound. Her head started pounding hard. Atree had fallen-out of nowhere right behind her. Shivering with fear, April cautiously inched forward. Now t, the trees are completely black. The lump in her throat forced itself back. Then,she stumbled into one of the forest clearings. April sat down on a bench and buried her face in her hands. “What have I gotten myself into?” she sobbed. Her knees were still knocking together, she looked up, her heart seemed to hammer right out of her chest. Suddenly, the leaves struck on fir, beginning with a flame and a second later, the whole forest burst with fire.April stood up rapidly,which was good for her as the bench went up in flames a second later. Eventually, her fear overcame her power. She collapsed, wheezing smoke in and out. Weakly, she managed to grab her backpack and heave herself onto it. Then everything went black as April’s life flashed before her.

April’s vision got blurry, with hazes of purple, red and brown.She felt unusually warm. Then her she began to see clearly. The purple was the grass and the trees. The red was the boy’s shirt. While the brown was dog-like creature. The first thing that shapped into her vision was the boy. April started, thinking she was in a dream. The boy held his hand out. “May I help you?”He asked, but April didn’t reply. Agin the boy asked. April realized that he was talking to her. She quickly nodded and heaved herself up with his help. “The name’s Kevin.”What’s yours?””A-A-April Sprinkler”She stomered. Kevin sensed her fear immediately. “There’s no need to be scared, we’re in a happy place.” Feeling comforted, she smiled.As she relaxed, her eyes fell on the little brown creature.”Oh, he’s cute!” She said.Hello, what’s your name?” Licking her palm, she heard, “I’m Choco!Me like humans!They sat down and Kevin asked her how she appeared here. April began to explain what she remembered, skipping the school part. She wasn’t sure Kevin can understand it. Kevin marveled at the story, then said that April is a special girl. She was one of the most rare warriors. At that, April demanded an explanation. She learned that she had to collect % gems from certain points and activate them with the ruler, which was the Queen of Light. April was speechless. “Alone? No, that will never work! She protested quietly. “Don’t worry, Choco and I will come with you.” Kevin happily announced. “I’m from here, so I know my ways around.

Chapter 5

“Okay, were back wher we started, but now what?? April whined. Kevin sighed. “Be patientlike you were on the Hotel of Patience, can you? We need to get to the Queen! Come on, follow me! April and Choco followed. Soon, they arrived at the most wonderful sight in the world. There was aprple castle topped with magenta turrets. When they stood at the front, the shimmering drawbridge bowed low for them to pass the sparkling, lilac colored moat, its calm water wrinkling as it acceps the drawbridge. April breathed in
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