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pact of the crusades
In the eleventh century and into the thirteenth century , European christians , At the urging of the church , And conducted a series of nine wars that have come to known as the crusaders. The crusaders had both a positive and negative impact on the eastern and western world that were involved in the conflicts.The conflicts is involved between the christians and muslims for the holy land. The crusaders were a series of campaigns led by the catholic church. It took place in the holy land which was taken over by the muslims. The religious tension between muslims, jews, and christians and a more permanent split between catholic christians and eastern orthodox christians.
The Crusades contributed to increase the wealth of the Church and the power of the Papacy. Thus the prominent part which the Popes took in the enterprises naturally fostered their authority and influence, by placing in their hands, the armies and resources of Christendom, and accustoming the people to look to them as guides and leaders.As to the wealth of the churches and monasteries, this was augmented enormously by the sale to them, often for a mere fraction of their actual value, of the estates of those preparing for the expeditions, or by the out and out gift of the lands of such in return for prayers and pious benedictions.
One of the most important effects of the crusades was on commerce. They created a constant demand for the transportation of men and supplies, encouraged ship-building, and extended the market for eastern wares in Europe. The products of Damascus, Mosul, Alexandria, Cairo, and other great cities were carried across the Mediterranean to the Italian seaports, whence they found their way into all European lands. The elegance of the Orient, with its silks, tapestries, precious stones, perfumes, spices, pearls, and ivory, was so enchanting that an enthusiastic crusader called it "the vestibule of Paradise."
The crusades could not fail to affect in many ways the life of western Europe. For instance, they helped to undermine feudalism. Thousands of barons and knights mortgaged or sold their lands in order to raise money for a crusading expedition. Thousands more perished in Syria and their estates, through failure of heirs, reverted to the crown. Moreover, private warfare, which was rife during the Middle Ages, also tended to die out with the departure for the Holy Land of so many turbulent feudal lords. Their decline in both numbers and influence, and the corresponding growth of the royal authority, may best be traced in the changes that came about in France, the original home of the crusading movement.
The Crusades brought tremendous change in the political, economic, and social structures of Europe. These included the development of monarchies, trade, and the middle class, which continue to affect modern life in some form to this day.
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