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Hi, Prolly
No, that is definitely not Kakao.
Yeah, btw most Hans Sama's Kog'Maw games are with Lulu support.

Here are some of the things regarding MSF:
* Hans Sama often has different recall timing to his adc. If MSF bot manages to push the lane for back (or Kakao ganks for them), Hans Sama will always roam to mid to ward for PoE or gank/apply pressure
* Ignar likes going Mobi boots over sightstone on roaming champs like Thresh, Alistar.
* Give extra attention to PoE in-lane behaviour. He doesn't pressure and isn't looking for gaining solo advantages. However, when team is preplanning a bot dive or top gank he will actively push out the lane and join his team faster than his lane opponent most of the time. So that drastic change in his laning path should be a vey strong indicator (much stronger than for other midlaners) that MSF is looking to make a play.
* Absolute majority of the time MSF and Kakao in particular play off of the stronger side of the map (that has a push priority). After 1st back, Kakao is invading enemy jungle on the strong side for MSF and ward it, while Ignar/PoE are ready to help him out if neccessary. Lee Sin pick lets him ward even more and more freely, so I think that champ is very crucial to MSF's early game.
Their weaker side of the map is often very dark (Hans Sama can place a ward on Blue side Krugs defensively, and that about it)
* MSF set a lot of plays around bot dives. That is why they ban Shen and strong laning supports a lot to be able to push the lane for dive and assist Kakao in enemy jungle that checks for enemy jungler. Alphari likes saving his teleport for those bot dives if he managed to push the lane and walk back to top lane.
However, if enemy has a tp up on a strong tp champion like Maokai, MSF will look to get that tp off him first by 3 men ganking top with PoE.
* MSF played 13 games on Blue side out of 19, but it was always enemy teams that were choosing Red side over Blue. So, I think MSF always prefers Blue side to Red.

* PoE also gets Frozen Heart on Ryze. I'm actually curious why isn't this a common buy as a 4-5th item
ask about mountain still
soloq lulu does E 2-3, then max W
do msf change pb adter win or loss
automate pb record

do you have an approxiamte game plan you want to execute, given your thouhts and my summary of their early game? I have a tool that can help analyse match ups, so i can analyse potentioal matchups more
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