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The Trumpet - Beautiful story ( What message are you trying to convey? --Dad)
By: Kapila Mane
There was a man on the streets of New York City who always carried a black suitcase. He would go to the corner of the street, unpack it, and assemble his trumpet. His clothing was always dirty or ripped. He only owned a brass trumpet. Nothing else. He would play that trumpet at the corner of the street, his fingers moving around quick and nimble. Some people stopped and watched, mesmerized, and others kept going, unaware of him, making him look like a shadow. But some people would stop, and dance to his strong, beautiful music. That trumpet gave the street a vibrant life. People who watched this man would smile, making their day. They tossed their change into the black suitcase, which was opened and placed on the street. The man would then smile, and bring out a jubilant tone. People who walked by gave time to hear the man’s music.
A few months later, people didn’t see the man often. They only started seeing him in the corner once or twice a week. The people worried about what could have happened to that man.
3 months later, the man came back. The man looked different than before. He looked quite frail, as fragile as glass. The hair on his head was as white as freshly fallen snow. But the music didn’t change. He moved his fingers perfectly, still nimble and quick. He never missed a beat. The people, recognizing that enchanting sound, followed it and danced to the captivating beats.
When the sun started to set behind the ever-so-climbing skyscrapers, the man began to silently pack his trumpet. Leaving the sidewalk, he started to walk with a jubilant gait. Traffic was as ignorant as always, honking and screeching arrogantly. A truck loomed over the old man, who was crossing the sidewalk. Like a tall shadow, the truck engulfed in the man in its shadow and he was no more. People came over to see what the commotion was. The police and the ambulance honked, sirens wailing in despair. The life of the street was gone.
Officials questioned the driver. The truck driver protested, “I was just driving on the green light. He should’ve known, the green light was so bright I’m pretty sure anyone could’ve seen it!” The police officers then asked the doctor, “What exactly happened?” Observing the body once more, he sighed, then replied, “The old man was blind.”
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