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the Four Noble Truths
1. People suffer (dakkha)
2. Suffering is caused by desires, greed, anger, lack of self-discipline, and attachment
3. To be freed from suffering we must remove desire, greed, anger, and attachments
4. The way to end suffering and achieve enlightenment is to follow the Noble Eightfold Path

Three Marks of Existence (Three Universal Truths)
1. Anicca - Impermanence. Nothing is permanent in this world and thus attachment only brings suffering
2. Dakkha - Suffering. All life involves suffering, and even if we are happy, we will still ultimately die
3. Anatta - Not Self. There is no permanent identity or existence, and everything is an illusion

The Five Precepts
1. Refrain from killing living creatures
2. Refrain from lying
3. Refrain from stealing
4. Refrain from sexual immorality
5. Refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs

Buddhist Values
1. Self-determination: the responsibility to follow the Noble Eightfold Path alone
2. Mindfulness: being aware of the present moment
3. Compassion: seeing and feeling things from another point of view
4. Loving-kindness: to extend goodwill without expecting anything in return
5. Detachment: to view all events without bias or emotion

Zen Buddhism - zen is seen as direct response to enlightenment and teaches beyond anything we can ever explain
1) Zen is beyond words: cannot be taught and depends on the person's direct experience with truth. Points to the truth but doesn't give it to you.
2) Zen is experimental: Buddha emphasizes experience over speculation, especially with enlightenment. Achieved through meditation.
3) Zen is beyond logical thinking: clutter in our minds blocks us from insight into the truth because we can never see anything as it really is.

Koans: Important tool used in zen training. They are puzzles to short circuit the workings of the rational and logical mind. Koans test how much clutter is on our mind and we must clear it and focus only on what is said/what you're supposed to do.

Details about the life of Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)
- Was born as a prince in northern part of modern India, Nepal
- Predicted to be an emperor or saviour
- Kept away from the outside world and suffering
- One day walked in the market and saw an old woman, a man sick with leprosy, a funeral with a corpse and a training ascetic, was shocked at the suffering
- At age 29, parted from his wife and son to find peace and answers to life
- Lived two years with the Hindu monks
- Practised asceticism for four years, realized that self-torture is just as bad as self-gratification. Arrived at the "Middle Path"
- Sat under the bodhi tree and said he would not get up until he achieved nirvana. After 46 days reached enlightenment.
- Began teaching after reaching enlightenment, had 5 disciples, travelled and had many followers
- Died at age 80, supposedly from food poisoning

the Three Jewels of Buddhism
- Buddha
- Dharma (teachings)
- Sangha (community)

The Noble Eightfold Path - how to deal with expectations and desires that cause us suffering
- right thinking/understanding
- right thought/intention
- right speech
- right action/behaviour
- right meditation/contemplation
- right mindfulness
- right effort
- right living
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