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alphari ad kennen
look at MSF games were they are full scaling with losing push early
ban lulu to ruin all
alphari smurf

rengar always banned red, once not and MSF 1st pick it
shen ban on blue

if ban out ignar he can pull out unexpeted shit
varus>jhin. 1st pick jhin. if ban out has ashe ezreal

they dont 1st pick kog, last pick. so we can see whats up

the thing is MSF always first picks ADC, unless there is Rengar/Camille/old LB open. No way they will first pick Kog'Maw. So if they dont first pick Jhin, then it might mean they can go for Kog. Then we can pick Ashe/Lulu lane in the first round
what are good first picks if want kog? syndra mid or some jungler?
if they jungle, we bot, they bot,

graves would be useless vs protect kog i think
if no malza then thresh naut ali bard

i have tool to analyse a vs b match up
make a tool to analyse a vs all match ups

make sure we dont have double tank with non-roaminh champ, cause they might pull off ad Kennen

btw you said if show jhin play ez lulu. why lulu yet? cause malza? maybe mf?

make code that would compare current soloq to - 1 week soloQ with % change

olaf rengar top
what about olaf for jankos? snowballs good
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