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EST/New York Standard Time UTC-05:00


15, soon 16

Are you able to get on Discord for Voice Chat?

Yes, I have a mic and am able to use it, albeit I am somewhat shy.

Are you easily offended by inappropriate jokes, racism, or sexual content?

No, but I know when jokes have gone too far and should be adequately avoided/punished.

Do you have any experience being a staff member on any other DarkRP servers? If so give as many details as possible.
On DarkRP servers, No, but I used to be staff on a rather hectic sandbox server that used ULX, people were consistently mic spamming and generally doing obnoxious shit. We didn't have many other staff so the workload was heavy, but manageable.

How familiar are you with ULX commands (We use server guard, but they use the same chat commands)?

I know them rather intimately, I may have forgotten a few, but I know a few sites that can help me if I ever get confused.

How many hours a week will you be available to Moderate?

30-45 hours a week. I'm usually on after 3pm EST, and on weekends can moderate on less active times, such as late night and very early morning.

What do YOU think it means to be an Admin or Moderator on a server?

It means it's your job to keep the server alive and healthy, and keep the minges out. It also means you must be willing it help anyone who needs either clarification on something, and 2nd/3rd opinion, or help with a persistant rule breaker.

Why do you think YOU should be on the Administration Team?

I think I will be able to help the server prosper, and help take the work-load off of some of the staff's shoulders, and generally help everyone.

A player is caught prop-killing a single player. How do you punish them?

I bring them to me, jail them for as long a time I need to clarify the situation, then I proceed to tell them propkilling is against the motd and server rules, even if the person they are killing is their friend. I will warn them for prop-kill, and if they persist, ban then for a short period of time. If they return and continue, I will contact a higher-up staff member to make a more permanent ban. (Because mods can't perma-ban)

A player is caught hacking. How do you punish them?

Bring the hacker to me, jail him indefinitely, and tell him what he's done. I would then proceed to get a higher-up staff member so he could be perma-banned
(Staff can't perm-ban)

There is someone on the server calling people 'Pony Fuckers'. What do you do?

Bring the player to me, and tell them to refrain from being a minge, and warn them once. If they continued, I would mute them. If they somehow find a way to continue, I would either kick the player, or ban them for a very short period of time (16 hours/1 day)

Tell us a little about yourself. Any information that you think would benefit you in your quest for staff. (optional)

I'm a rather kind person who enjoys to help others, but when the situation requires, can be strict and serious to enforce the rules.

Last but not least... Are you sure that you understand the responsibility that goes into this? Are you sure that you want to take this position? If you answered yes to both of these questions then all that needs to be said is good luck!

Yes, and Yes.

We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy regarding abuse of powers. The use of and scripts, no matter for what cause or reason, is also not tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.
A position of Moderator on a server is a privilege, not a right, and will be revoked at any point it is deemed necessary. Our hope is that if you are accepted, you will use this position
to learn and grow; not just in Garry's Mod, but in the real world. Please note that we look at everything from grammar, literacy, and attitude from your previous
responses to determine if you will be accepted. This is not an easy position to receive, and we expect only those that are serious and dedicated to the server's longevity will be on staff.

If you agree and understand to the above paragraph, please type 'I Understand and Fully Agree'

I Understand and Fully Agree.
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Regards; Team

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