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“See you tomorrow!” I exclaimed as I spotted the MRT train approaching. I was on my way home from school and was ready to be buried by an avalanche of homework!. I trudged into the MRT train and jostled my way to an empty was packed like sardines in the train.t I sat down contentedly to read my interesting book. The train rumbled as it departed from the station.
The book was very exciting and I could not take my eyes off it. The train entered an underground tunnel. Suddenly, there was a violent jerk and the train screeched to a halt. when I looked up,the train sputtered and smoke and eventually stopped. The train’s light flickered and the next minute, I found myself in total darkness. I let out an ear-piercing scream as I had a phobia of the dark. It was quite stuffy and many other sobs and cries echoed throughout the MRT train. My heartbeat accelerated with anxiety and adrenaline and beads of perspiration formed on my forehead. Wild thoughts raced in my mind, “What if we are stuck in the MRT train forever? Will I die? What will happen to me?”I was full of panic.
I took deep breaths and soon regained my composure. I pondered over what to do and an idea struck me like lightning. I whipped out my phone and pressed the torchlight icon. Many passengers also turned on their torchlight mode, following suit. Together, we tracked the emergency button and pressed it. The clear voice of the MRT train driver boomed over the train’s speakers. " Dear passengers, there is a power failure. You are to settle down and wait for the mechanics to fix the problem. As we are underground and for your own safety, you cannot leave the MRT train and go on the tracks. I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please take your seats now.”
After what seemed like an eternity, the train’s engine came to life and it reached the MRT station. All the tension in my muscles eased as the passengers and I streamed out of the MRT train. I shuffled my feet slowly , exhausted from the incident and still shocked.
I told my mother what had happened when I reached home. She praised me for my bravery and overcoming my fears. I was saturated by happiness. This day was etched and unforgettable in my mind for a long time.
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