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YogHigh - Yogscast Teencast
Head teacher – Mr I S Raphel
Deputy Head teachers – Mr Steven Ridgedog and Miss Minty Minute
Subjects studied in YogHigh:
Art - Ms Danielle Feufort and Mr David Thatcheray
Cooking - Miss Jennifer Abishans and Miss Vivienne Nadisha
Design and Technology - Mr Nicholas Jones and Mr Carl Gothwore
Drama - Miss Sarah Gregor and Mrs Harriet Lennons-Grey
English - Ms Clara Smith and Dr Dennis Ethans
Geography - Mr Henry Marckows and Mr Michael Dove
History - Mr Glenn Haggrow and Miss Marianne Tenston
Informational Technology - Dr Amelia Snow and Mr Frederic Terrences
Magic - Professor Lucinda Amethyst and Professor Jeremy Eckleson
Maths - Dr Taylor Rose and Ms Willow Endurst
Music - Miss Freya Seymour and Mr Liam Crane
Physical Education - Mr Tom Peters and Mr Louis Harrison
Science - Professor Benjamin Stark and Miss Jessica Arnolds
Second Languages - Miss Laura Foxe and Miss Clarisse Meyhen
Social Studies - Miss Sophia Tailer and Miss Emily Atterson
The bell rings, signalling the start of school. The students were either chilling in their respective classrooms, or making their way to their respective classrooms from the locker area.
This is about the main students in YogHigh:
Xephos Spaceman
A calm and collected student, the spaceman Xephos looks out for his best friend Honeydew and makes sure that his friends always got out of trouble safely. He gets the highest grades and is usually relied on by teachers to keep mayhem away. His favourite subjects are Physics and History.
Honeydew Dwarf
A small and hairy dwarf for his age, Honeydew usually gets into all sorts of trouble outside of class and school, but will stand up to his friends whatever the costs. He gets average marks during tests, and is usually bailed out of detentions by his best friend Xephos. His favourite subjects are Art and Physical Education.
Lomadia Owler
Lomadia is a trustworthy elf, always handing her homework in on time and dismissing anything out of the ordinary casually. She is very tidy and organised, achieving the highest marks in her year. She is usually found with Xephos, Lalna or Nilesy outside of class. Her favourite subjects are English and Cooking.
Lalna Scient
Lalna is usually found close to the labs, always interested at the mention of the word ‘science’. As a budding young scientist, he has won most science fairs, only being beaten once by Zoeya, Rythian and Teep. He achieves high marks on Science papers, yet he gets average grades for anything else. His favourite subjects are Science and Magic.
Sips Dirt
Sips is outrageous, making crude jokes about others behind their backs. He certainly does not mean harm, but there are those times where jokes slip, rumours spread and fighting gets out of hand. Sips is, to be fair, good at Design and Technology as well as Informational Technology. His favourite subjects are Design and Technology and Physical Education.
Sjin Ground
Sjin is a helpful student, sometimes seen as the teacher’s pet. He usually hangs around his best friend Sips, or chatting with Nilesy. He is interested in Design and Technology, as well as History and Geography. Most of his grades are average yet his English skills are impressive. His favourite subjects are Design ad Technology as well as English.
Rythian Enderborn
As a mage’s apprentice, Rythian is sure to be found outside practicing spells. He is always accompanied by Zoeya, Teep or Ravs. Rythian has advanced in magic far beyond what we can teach him at this stage, therefore he often wanders to the library to borrow intermediate spell books. His grades for magic are the highest possible, and the rest are average apart from science, which dips considerably low. His favourite subjects are Magic and Second Languages.
Zoeya Proasheck
Zoeya is very good at handing computers, yet she is often reluctant to show it as she is afraid it will anger her best friend, Rythian. She usually hangs out with Rythian and/or Teep, but can also be found talking to Nilesy and Ravs, together or separately. Her grades are only slightly above average, her Magic skills improving. Her favourite subjects are Informational Technology and Magic.
Teep Dinosaur
Being a mute dinosaur, Teep has lagged behind in most speaking work done during English and Second Language lessons. However, he is very good at extra-curricular subjects such as archery and darts. He can be found playing the Lever game with Ravs if not found with Zoey and Rythian. His grades are above average in all but English, Second Languages and Social Studies, but this is to be expected. His favourite subjects are Art and Magic.
Ravs Squidbeer
Ravs is a very dull student, determined not to be part of any lesson apart from Cooking, Second Languages and Social Studies. He can be seen sleeping either under or on a bench in the sun, or talking to Nilesy. He plays the Lever game often, challenging others to play against him. He can be a somewhat violent child when provoked. His grades are somewhat only slightly below average apart from the subjects said above, in which Cooking seemed to be a particular flair of his. His favourite subjects are Cooking and Social Studies.
Nilesy Poolboy
Nilesy is a good student, yet witty and sarcastic towards other students. He is friends with Panda, Zoeya and Lomadia, with Panda being his closest. He enjoys most lessons but can be found chatting with others when teachers ask for silence. His marks are mostly above average, but English seems to be his weaker subject. His favourite subjects are Maths and Physical Education.
Panda Hybrid
Panda is quite an intelligent student, and is usually what stops Nilesy from getting out of hand during lessons. He is good at English and Music, as well as Second Languages although he does not enjoy it as much. His marks are above average apart from Maths, and he is being tutored by Dr Taylor Rose, our most experienced mathematician. His favourite subjects are Social Studies and Music.
Strippin Rails
Strippin is a confident student, and he enjoys being creative and making items during Art and Design Technology classes. He is good friends Martyn, and usually spends time with either Martyn or Benji, his brother, during creative clubs or football training. His performance during Physical Education is impressive, while his Geography is not very good. His marks are average, and he does not strive to make them higher. His favourite subjects are Physical Education and Design and Technology.
Benji Rails
Benji is a clever and obedient student, often to be found in the company of Strippin, his older brother by ten minutes. He enjoys Design and Technology as well as Informational Technology, History being one of his worst subjects. He is second only Strippin. His marks are average yet we hope that he tries to make them better. His favourite subjects are Design and Technology and Informational Technology.
Martyn Inthelittlewood
Martyn is a recreational student, and very environmentally friendly. He spends most of his time hanging out with Toby outside during after-lesson hours, and can be found with Strippin and Benji if not found with Toby. Martyn is good at Informational Technology and Art, but he prefers Social Studies. His marks are above average, and he is very good at Informational Technology. His favourite subjects are Informational Technology and Social Studies.
Toby Sototally
Toby is Martyn’s best friend and partner in most pair work. He likes Drama, History and Cooking lessons, though he can tell most other boys don’t approve of his choice. His Maths is quite below average, and he is being tutored by Dr Taylor Rose with Panda. He has average marks, like Martyn, but his skills in History and Geography are impressive. His favourite lessons are Drama and History.
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