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My Bestfrand:
He has been there for me when no one was💕. He understands why I make the decisions that I make and he knows more than anyone else🤞. When he heard people talking shii about me he stood up for me and never let anyone talk shii about me in front of him and when he heard rumors about me I knew that he knew what what going on buhh he never questioned me for ANYTHING unlike other people✊️. I had ups and downs with other people buhh never with him❤️. He's the ONLY ones that stood by side and NEVER switched up one me and NEVER left my side😩. If I'm weak he will make sure that I'm strong again that I smile or laugh he never lets me go without seeing me happy and he always makes sure that I have a positive mind set😊. When I'm crying he tells me to not pay attention to the things that caused for me to cry and brightens up my day ☺️. A lot of people are afraid to tell people things because they are afraid of being betrayed buhh I know that I don't have to be afraid to tell him something because he NEVER betrayed me😋. I just want him to know that Ima be here when he need me and that Ima love him to death even if no body else do💞. Our bond is unbreakable and it's a typpa friendship that everyone is he's that the could have🤗. We tell each other EVERYTHING and when people be trynna say that "He said this..." or "She said that..." buhh we really know wassup🙌. I can consider my self lucky for being able to have such an AMAZING, loving, caring, funny, honest, sweet, and weird Bestfrandd 😘. I just wanna say Thank Yhu for being there and I'm so grateful to have yhu in my life plus Thank Yhu for listening to me when I needed to get something off of my chest🙃. A true friendship shouldn't be based on how long yhu have known the person the longest it should be based on who has been there for yhu and has hope and faith when no one else did buhh he was been both of those people💗. I can't ever imagine losing yhu because if I did than I would loose my smile, laugh, happiness, bestfriend, and everything that yhu made me accomplish😿😪. Sometimes I doubt my friendship with other people buhh he was shown me that I don't have to do that with him🙂. I can tell him my person shii and know that he not gonna open this mouth and spill even if he threatened by anyone😌. Yhu are like my human diary and store all my secrets and personal information and other things 🤐. Yhu like my brother from another Mrs and Mr 👦🏼. Even though yhu can be aggravating and annoy me (buhh it's your "job"), I'll always be there for yhu even if your mad at me, sad, ANYTIME🤙. No matter what happens I'll always have your back🤜. Words can Never explain my love for this damn boy❣️. I love yhu BESTFRANDD💓
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
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  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

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Regards; Team

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