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When they saw me from the window, they thought I was the right man. They asked me questions, and soon they knew my story.
Finally, they said: you was the right man for the bet
One of the gentlemen gave me an envelopeI wanted to open it,
but he said:(A veya B):"No, don't open it now. Wait until you are in your hotel room. Then read it very carefully."

When I left their house, I looked for the pear on the street. It was gone. I was quite angry with those two gentlemen.
(Evden çıkarken sokakta armut arardım. Gitmişti. Bu iki bayana oldukça kızdım.)
Far from their house, I opened the envelope. I saw that there was money inside! I didn't stop to read their letter.
(Evlerinden uzakta, zarfı açtım. İçinde para olduğunu gördüm! Mektuplarını okumak için durmadım)
I ran to the nearest eating place. I ate and ate and ate. At last, I took out the envelope with the money, to pay for my meal.
I looked at the banknote and almost fainted.
(En yakın yeme yerine koştum. Ben yedim, yedim ve yedim. Sonunda, yemek için para ödemek için zarfı parayla aldım.
Banknota baktım ve neredeyse bayılmıştım.
I saw the owner of the eating place staring at the banknote, too. We were both surprised.
(Banknota bakan yeme yerinin sahibini de gördüm. İkimiz de şaşırdık.)
I did not know what to do or say, so I simply give him the note and said
(Ne yapacağımı veya ne diyeceğimi bilmiyordum, bu yüzden ona not verdim ve dedi)
Hakan :Give me the change, please
Ersin :I'm very sorry, but I can't change this banknote, sir.
Hakan:I don't have any other money. Please change this note.
Ersin:You can pay for this food whenever you want, sir. I understand that you are a very rich gentleman.
You like playing jokes on people by dressing like a poor man. You can come here and eat all you want, whenever you want. You can pay me when you want.
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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Regards; Team

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