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Dear Rahul,

Receiving your mail, I am little confused as well as happy.

Confused because I think, initially board gave me some kind of responsibility regarding cultural program other than conducting In House program. But practically I`m finding that no such discussions or suggestions depending on me. Rather than that I have to explain my plan.

Happy because, to me every event is meant for togetherness, those are not any race to show power or importance of individual. So, feeling good to see that you are happily taking each & every headache of on stage cultural programs along with the other assignments.
It is a great relief for me to concentrate on my own job, direction & performance as there are also lots of works are left in my own field which have to be done immediately. Thank You so much for your help.

As I don`t have enough idea about your plan so can`t do much discussions. Just want to mention some points /want to get some inputs ...

1) Don `t have any idea about 1 hr slot before lunch. Probably it is not related to cultural program. so think, it is not my concern.

2) I see, there are 3 different slots for external programs. ( Here I am counting Sitar concert as an external program as external artist is involved there.) I have seen before, in many other programs, that it is really hard to manage internal and external programs on the same stage, almost at the same time when the green room facility is restricted. But this is very personal. Hopefully you have good enough plan to handle this situation.

3) Like other performers, as a group leader I also have some conditions. Hope Event managers will fully take care of that.

a) Need the first slot after Sitar concert. As there are lots of small kids involve in this program so can`t keep them waiting for a long.
b) In House program is for 1 hr not 40 mins. Later Kids fashion show has added with the permission of board.
c) Need full occupation of green room from half an hour before starting and 15 mins to wrap up, after finishing the program.
d) Our program is going under a theme so requesting you to prevent any kind of external disturbance like ( `He or She has another program in Stockholm, kindly hold your program and give her a chance first`)
e) Hopefully managers are going to take care of total comfort of performing VISA members. Kindly do not force us to work under inconvenience.

4) I have seen visiting artists generally have some conditions ( e,g Guruji needs different kind of stage preparations, proper sound checking, Feedback monitors, sound checking must be finished 20 mins before the program starts and within that 20 mins the stage must be empty.)
Hopefully you are going to take care of all those things while arranging the programs of other external performers, if they have so.

5) Primarily, Cultural secretary has the every responsibility to take care of the visiting performers to make them comfortable with good feelings so that any kind of bad impressions should not be spread. As you are taking care of all those things so feeling relieved as it is not possible for me. Because on that day I also have few performances on which I have to concentrate. After finishing my own duty I can help the volunteers if it is needed.

On short note, being the cultural secretary I have enough idea , how to promote India on stage. Hope you all will enjoy the show.

Thank you
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Regards; Team

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