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KingOfBoyds has joined the chat
AGENTofDESIREAGENTofDESIRE Whisper has joined the chat
AGENTofDESIRE: Hello Director pls have a seat when loaded
AGENTofDESIRE: Nice to see you Maj Jack please be seated when you have loaded
KingOfBoyds: Thank you
JackNisbet111: Thank you
KingOfBoyds: How are you guys today?
AGENTofDESIRE: Thank you for meeting us today
AGENTofDESIRE: I am well and yourself?
KingOfBoyds: In a lot of pain right now. Didn't go to work. So I could be better.
AGENTofDESIRE: oh no sorry to hear that
AGENTofDESIRE: then lets get to it and I wont take up too much of your time
AGENTofDESIRE: ¬places the hand held recorder on the desk
AGENTofDESIRE whispers: please record chat log
KingOfBoyds: Alright
KingOfBoyds: Officer Caless, correct?
Guest_AgentCaless: tes
Guest_AgentCaless: yes
KingOfBoyds: My name is Director Boyds, I am from Ohio Law.
AGENTofDESIRE: The Director King of Boyds we are following through on a request from you to interview Officer Caless of our Dept
KingOfBoyds: I hate to meet on such terms, but I have a job to do.
AGENTofDESIRE: pending a statement that was made by a Sarah(last name I forgot)
AGENTofDESIRE: as we do also Sir
KingOfBoyds: Do you and you team aware of an SarahWorthington?
AGENTofDESIRE: alledged allegations on assault am I correct Sir?
AGENTofDESIRE: yes Sir I have met her on 2 occassions in same day 3 days ago
KingOfBoyds: And Yes, Ms Desire.
AGENTofDESIRE: Let me state for the record that I am representing Officer Caless against these allegations and Major Jack is a witness
AGENTofDESIRE: Please offer any discovery that yu may have at this time
KingOfBoyds: She is saying that you "Assaulted" her, to me I feel as if this woman is playing my Departments, I want to make sure you do not hit her in any form.
KingOfBoyds: Officer?
AGENTofDESIRE: Officer Caless please in detail explain your relationship to Ms Worthington
Guest_AgentCaless: no sir i didnt hit her
KingOfBoyds: ok
JackNisbet111 > AGENTofDESIRE: I'll record the chatlog for evidence
KingOfBoyds: Can you give me a detail line up between you and her?
AGENTofDESIRE whispers: yes please from beginning if you can
Guest_AgentCaless: it was 3 days ago when she asked me out
Guest_AgentCaless: and i said sure
AGENTofDESIRE: ¬listens
Guest_AgentCaless: then she invited me to this room to kiss me
Guest_AgentCaless: but i havent hurt her
Guest_AgentCaless: i didnt really like her
KingOfBoyds: Has she ever hit you?
Guest_AgentCaless: no sir
AGENTofDESIRE: Officer Caless has she been what you would call stalking you?
Guest_AgentCaless: yes
Guest_AgentCaless: yesterday
Guest_AgentCaless: she came to the station
AGENTofDESIRE: I see and in your experience would you say that her speech and patterns of habit are say strange?
KingOfBoyds: Oh really?
Guest_AgentCaless: yes
Guest_AgentCaless: and was interrupting my job
KingOfBoyds: Ok.
AGENTofDESIRE: On the day 3 ago. We were all in the station when Sarah came in
KingOfBoyds: I have a serious question for all of you
AGENTofDESIRE: ¬listens
KingOfBoyds: My department will already be making an Arrest Warrant for this girl, for filing a false report agaisnt an Officer. Do you guys want to press charges?
AGENTofDESIRE: Yes considering that there is no evidence to support her allegations and entrapment of my client
KingOfBoyds: Alright
KingOfBoyds: Ohio Law Enfor. is making the Arrest Warrent right now.
AGENTofDESIRE: please advise me of her lawyer if any
AGENTofDESIRE: I want to question Miss Worthington and make a Deposition
AGENTofDESIRE: Maj Jack any details to explain?
AGENTofDESIRE: must be afk
JackNisbet111: Not that I know of
AGENTofDESIRE: ok then Director I will await your notification
KingOfBoyds: Thank you guys
AGENTofDESIRE: I will be out of imvu this afternoon however but I will be back later
AGENTofDESIRE: ty Sir anything to help
KingOfBoyds: Thank you guys
AGENTofDESIRE: I would like an apology to my client from Ms Worthington for this
KingOfBoyds: You will get to Arrest her yourself xD
KingOfBoyds: :)
AGENTofDESIRE: I noticed that it was odd that since the allegation involved our officer why she didnt go to his command being us lol
KingOfBoyds: Some people feel as if they report to crime to the department itself They wouldnt get any help.
KingOfBoyds: But most of the time its so they can stay close to the report
AGENTofDESIRE: i see well shes a flake in my opinion thats off the record lol
KingOfBoyds: Since she asked for protection We gave that her. She tired to make "Sexual" hints towards me. But I take this job very serious. I do not involve work and "victims"
KingOfBoyds: Ohio Law Enfor. works like most stations.
KingOfBoyds: if we have asked for a job such as protection we have to provide no matter what.
AGENTofDESIRE: she did?
AGENTofDESIRE: she may advances to you?
KingOfBoyds: Yes.
Amber202020 has joined the chat
AGENTofDESIRE: well right there was your answer
KingOfBoyds: Sadly, Its not the first person to do that.
AGENTofDESIRE: hello Amber
AGENTofDESIRE: but in the case such as this there shouldnt have been a question of Caless's innocence
Amber202020: Hello I am wondring are you hiring at the moment ?
AGENTofDESIRE: how may I help you
AGENTofDESIRE: pls message me in about an hour I am in session ty
Amber202020: Yw
Amber202020 has left the chat
KingOfBoyds: I knew from there, she was playing Ohio. That is why I had to get to you guys as fast as i could
AGENTofDESIRE: i understand but its very nerve wracking on the person being blamed as I know you can understand
KingOfBoyds: Yes.
AGENTofDESIRE: I suggest whenever this woman enters one of the rooms that the chat log be documented immediately
AGENTofDESIRE: I have flagged her twice
KingOfBoyds: Yes Please. It will help my case. Also, If she enters a room with Officer by himself, He needs to boot her if possbile or leave.
AGENTofDESIRE: that same day. She asked if I had a bf even omg
AGENTofDESIRE: Ive advised Officer Caless to block her
KingOfBoyds: Too keep her out of Special Ops, I would have Ms Brook Block her as well.
AGENTofDESIRE: yes she has been notified
KingOfBoyds: Alright, I have to get back to the office, I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on
AGENTofDESIRE: alright thankyou Sir
KingOfBoyds: Thank you guys
AGENTofDESIRE: have a good day let me know if anything changes
KingOfBoyds: I will
KingOfBoyds: Proof
KingOfBoyds has left the chat
AGENTofDESIRE: ¬there ya go Officer we not only got your charges dropped but they are arresting her LOL love it
Guest_AgentCaless: yes
AGENTofDESIRE: now is when a thank you is in order
Guest_AgentCaless: thank you Cpt
AGENTofDESIRE: were you even listening to this conversation if not read up please
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