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Tut 2 | LING 301
The four strands
Each strands have specialised skills (List, Speak, Read, Writ) but not everything is as direct as it is.
Eg: Vocab is still needed for listening and writing.
Try to get equal amounts of each of the strands to have a balanced working programme

1) EPP students have mostly have LFL as they are prepared to know vocabs, grammar forms, etc.
-Not enough amount of speaking opportunity, etc.

L - Language
I - Ideas (new information, goals)
S - Skills (for meaning, understanding)
T - Text (genre features)


Lecture 7

Reminder: Check on online test tomorrow
- things that are not mentioned in class: should we go through them? Yes
- just an online test, no need to memorize
- 6 paragraph writing questions

Language Teaching
1) Globalisation
2) Culture
3) Four Strands
4) Language Teaching Methods

MFI online resource
1) Flash game: Make fruit salad
2) ELLO: Are you good with kids?

MFI in teaching

I used to do an activity where I create a bigbook and read them aloud in front of my students.
They will gather and listen to me telling the stories.
Then they will read the book.
For activity, I will strip some words off of the book and then they will need to fill in the blanks.
While I was reading, emphasis was put on the stripped words.

Lecture 8
LFL & Fluency

implicit grammar learning

1. frequent exposure
2. real operating conditions, exposure to and use of target structure. learner is engaged, in trying to communicate in order to learn.
3. periodic focus on the target grammatical form while communication is taking place.

How is it different for LFL?
c. Noticing
a. b. learner centred and meaningful


!!! 350 words maximum
Practice question
-audio lingual method - repetition, dialogic
-japanese students will be quite shy
political content: shows cultural differences
what does it telling us about power - hieararchy, who has the status of the teacher.
make sure you know the examples
-quantity of opportunities: talk to all students in the classroom
-meaningful communication: you speak to everyone in class and got to know about students
-limited language demands: no, not really.
-pressure to perform: they have to be understood and understand, but then they have to present findings to the whole class (change of audience)

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Regards; Team

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