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nautilus low pb 29/46
where maokai gone??? 6/46 pb. i feel its overreaction. In kr its 50% pb
automate roles pb
graves in na high pb
top5 chaps in each role % wise

na rene not so popular, jhin not so popular, ez instead and adc overall
eu-na sup differences

to make counters and blinds I have to solve issure with group a/b, stream 1/2
right....I need to change order of lolesports like i did before

especially now that meta comes back to auto attack adcs and games become longer, mao scales better into late game+noone expects him so no bans
need to understand though that he is not a full substitute to naut, but a different champ. less plays mid game, more op late game.
scales better, cause just flash w instead of trying to lane Q on backline

varus 70/74 ban on red in lck still

eu and kr worked, but na didnt. check why

how fiora wins early if naut just perma pushes?
are you sure odo will be able stick to Fiora style till the end and not come for 5v5 to potentially lose to a tank comp. you said it in thorin interview too. try not to fight bad fights even if you are ahead in terms of gold

maybe write " I enjoy Fiora in SoloQ so much" on Twitter. So if you dont Fiora vs them in scrimms they might think Odo just plays her for fun, especially if he doesnt pick them vs FNC while spamming in SoloQ.
it doesnt give away anything cause if team prepares for H2K they gonna see Fiora anyway, but this way they might think its just his SoloQ pick for fun

try to make your data more like infographics like I liked on twitter from lolesports. Not because it looks better, but because it gets to people better and faster if it looks better, with pictures, etc.
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