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northmen; Vikings who raided Medieval Europe
William the Conqueror; French nobleman from Normandy that brought feudalism to England
Knights;Warriors who fought on horseback
excommunicate; To be removed or kicked out of the Church
Peasants (serfs and freemen);bottom of the feudal triangle, worked in exchange for protection
land;what the kings gave the nobles and knights
manor; Large estate owned by a knight or lord
black death;Deadly plague that killed millions of Europeans between 1347 and 1351
king;top of the feudal triangle
middle ages;Period lasting from about 500 to 1500
magna carta; Document English nobles forced King John to sign that gave them rights
vassal; Knight who agreed to protect and serve a lord in exchange for land
monks; Religious men who lived apart from society in isolated communities
crusades;Series of holy wars fought between Christians and Muslims over the Holy Land
monasteries;Communities of monks
Medieval;Another name for the Middle Ages
serfs;Workers who were tied to the land on which they lived
feudalism;System that governs the relationship between lords and vassals
nobles; second only to the king on the feudal triangle
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