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I'M ACTUALLY ROFLMAO AT YOUR "NICE GUYS BUT NOT REALLY PAPA *crotch grabbing? jesus fucking christ*/ONEW *jungah of after school? but um she's got awesome body btw*" hah. i also like liz lemon's bald best friend, you know, rather chubby and all. it's a fetish, i know.

1. oh man damn right, kris so wishes he has 1% of yunho's awesomeness, yes that's true. lol. damn.
it's a good thing you're 'over' him *bwahahahahahhahahahahahahaha*
what is y3k xo xo though? huh?

2. like i said imma logging out tumblah for my thesis' sake.
and i stopped reading green-ahjusshi's "abundance". okei i dunno why, but maybe it's because green himself admitted that he doesn't really...into "abundance" (maybe because it's on 3rd pov EW GOD 1st pov why you so rule in every young adult books? why?).
so maybe don't buy "abundance" bro, to stimulate your writing, just buy the cancer one, that's like the best book of 2012 i tell ya.

3. what do ya think of murakami books?

4. thanks for the heads up regarding june - the ultimate month of 2013 for exo fanbitches.
wait what? BNFs are still around with their fics? how about our lovely leadernim?
so i dunno man, should exo stick to the MAMA supapowah concept or like, regular korean boyband concept like, say, BTOB their ultimate rival. hm.

5. oh asperger is only common in boys, thanks dude.
hmmm don't give me bipolar, bipolar is too common/dun want her to be associated as "tsk she's just on her period/she's just a drama queen".
it's like, i have a vision of a girl who doesn't care about her social life/surrounding (she's like 16) and uh, she's not afraid? of everything? emotionless like abed? eh what's his case, socially impaired?
i just need one name of such mental disorder, because she must have that "mental disorder" label.

mild autism? no? apathetic?
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