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opening. he has freedom it's just controlled
9;30-10,10 insert ads
12 memory of his father was a lie constructed as social conditioning.
13 wants to break free from society his wife tries to talk him out of it
15,10 sees his dad. dad is quickly snatched by tv producers
26 Truman's lady tells him the truth and gets taken by producers
29, radio is staged/ then it brakes and he hears them watching him
everyone is in on it and they all react when the static comes over the radio
44 little girl knows who Truman is
44 bus breaks cause Truman's on it trying to leave.
46-50 Truman starts noticing patterns that people drive around and around in circles his wife denies it
50 Truman makes it over the bridge and the road catches on fire bc producers
51 leak at power plan guy knows Truman's name Truman runs gets tackled by "power plant workers"
54 insert ad Truman is half WOKE like Kanye and knows his wife is in on it. guy knocks at the door it's his "friend" wife plays his actions off as nervous break down breaks character and says it's not "professional"
55 Truman's "best friend" reassures him everything is normal and its all in his head. "id gladly step into traffic for you Truman last thing id ever do is lie"
59 mysterious man walks out of shadows that Truman is supposed to talk to
it's his dad it's all orchestrated by the producers. Truman hugs his dad and cries
Crew members wear LIVE HIM PROTECT HIM shirts
1.7 billion was there for his birth
24/7 365 30 years
the whole show is an ad
101 largest set ever made visible from space. creator watches from the moon.
103 shows previous attempts to end the show
104 social conditioning to keep Truman from venturing offset.
105 Truman was adopted by a company
107 "I've given him a chance to leave the show but the real world is hell and he doesn't want to leave if he wanted to I couldn't stop him."
101-109 interview with director
112 Turman meets the new love interest at work after his wife leaves. guess they don't have Tinder. lol
115 producers call Truman to try and wake him up. but find out it a decoy and he left. TRUMAN IS FULLY WOKE he knows he's being watched and the world isn't what has been told.
116 Tuman's "Best friend" can't find his show goes off the air for the first time in 30 years Truman is still on set.
118 the sirens go off search helicopter is looking and the whole town formed a search party
120 sun is directed to come up WAYYY to early.
121 Townspeople all stand in their normal morning positions waiting for Truman to show up.
121.30 Truman breaks his social conditioning and is sailing a boat out to sea towards the wall.
122 he pulls out a picture of that girl cast member that got fired that showed him the truth.
123 they direct whether to try and control Truman from hitting the wall at the end of the set.
124.30 Truman falls off the boat after they cause three lighting strikes to his boat
125.05 " we can't let him die in from of an audience" "he was born in front of an audience"
126 Truman mocks producer "is that all you got" "turn up the wind DO IT capsize him NOW!!!"
127 Boat capsizes. every one including movie audience (you and me) thinks he's dead
128 he's alive and craws up on the boat
129.30 boat rips a hole in the set.
129.56 Truman tuches set wall
130.22 Truman tries to break wall
131.05 Truman looks sad
131 Truman walks along set wall at the edge of the sea finds a staircase to a
132.10 TRUMAN starts taking to the Director that comes from a voice in the sky he explains what is going on and that "his world he made for Truman is better than the one outside and he can leave or stay"
134.30 Director " say something YOUR ON TV LIVE TO THE WHOLE WORLD"
TRUMAN " in case I don't see you good morning good afternoon and good night"
135.15 TRUMAN IS FULLY WOKE takes a bow and walks off set out the door leading to the real world.
135.50 Transmission Ends
136 THE END.

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