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My name is Jackson Henry and for my Passion Project I have analysed how much water my family uses in an average week.
Now, when I was researching this topic I looked and my family's water bills. And I was totally blown away by the amount of our average daily usage of water.

Our family, which consists of 2 adults and 2 children, used an average of 1276 litres per day between 1 Jan 2018 and the 31 March 2018. Now, if we multiply the daily average by 7, the number of days in the week, that comes to a total of 8932 litres of water each week. That's equivalent to 4466 bottles of milk. Now you might be thinking how do we use that much water? Well let me show you. Now the washing machine is certainly one of the water wasters in our household . The washing machine uses 110 litres of water per wash and my family uses the washing machine around 5 times a week which means we are using 550 litres of water each week.
With 4 people living in our house the toilet gets flushed a-lot - 12 times per day on average - thats 84 times a week. An average toilet uses 6 litres per flush so 84 times 6 is 504 litres.
You might think thats a-lot but 504 litres is nothing compared to the amount of water my family uses when having showers. Each person in the family has one shower a day averaging 8 minutes which is about 64 litres per shower so each day that equals 256a day or 1792 litres of water per week, down the plug hole.
Then there is the water we use to drink, to wash the dishes both in the sink and the dishwasher, to wash the dog and maybe once a week hose the cars which would equate to thousands more litres of water.
Oh and then there's the garden. Since we're measuring the average water use during the hot months of summer, we tend to hose the garden a-lot. My dad hoses the garden approximately 4 times a week for an average of 5 minutes using perhaps the b

now we may think that fresh water is endless and that there is so much of it. But in reality only 3% of the worlds water is fresh 2% of that water is stuck in glaciers and ice caps. So only 1% of the worlds water is fresh and accesable.
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