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Ikkei Ukai, naked, his muscular body completely free of clothes as he trembles through another orgasm desperately, his entire figure covered in sweat. A dildo in his ass, constantly vibrating against his sensitive prostate as his cock hardens even more. His muscled chest thrusts against his bonds to no avail, his abs trembling as come slides down the hard curves and dips of his body. To his right, a grinning Nekomata, still fully clothed, laughing slightly as Ikkei fights against the overwhelming torrent of pleasure being forced upon him.
Nekomata had visited Ikkei in the rural area he had been living in following his injury and resignation from the position of volleyball coach of Karasuno High. The visit had seemed benign enough at first - just two former rivals talking and reminiscing over alcohol, and yet it became apparent quickly enough to Ikkei that that wasn't exactly why Nekomata had visited Ikkei.
He thought it strange - really, he had - that Nekomata simply walked with him without a word into Ikkei's room as the latter got dressed, and yet Ikkei, despite having his misigivings, took off his shirt nonetheless. He'd honestly expected nothing to happen. In other words, the meaty hand pressing against his muscular pectoral and the mouth pressing against his ear and whispering dirty things to him had been wholly unexpected.
And yet here he was, arched back nakedly thrusting into the air as Nekomata lecherously stares at Ukai's writhing body with shameless interest. His wrinkled hand finds a perfectly sculpted pectoral, and he presses against it mercillesely until Ukai's eyes are rolling back and his dick is once again pressing against his hard abdomen.
"-ah! Fuck-" Ikkei suddenly shouts as Nekomata's skilled hands tweak a nipple. The lustful coach only chuckles as Ikkei comes all over himself once again, his muscled yet lithe frame once again struggling to break the bonds forcing him to yield to Nekomata.
"How many is that now?" Nekomata asks teasingly, playfully, even as he forces more pre-cum out of Ikkei's poor, old body with dark, intense eyes. "20? 40?"
Ikkei had actually come 183 times since Nekomata had come, but he wasn't exactly in a state to tell him that. Not while Nekomata is trying his hardest to fuck sense and reason and everything else from Ikkei's body.
"Jesus," Nekomata mutteres suddenly in awe, a hand once again pressing against Ikkei's come covered pectoral. "You're gorgeous, you know that? I should've done this a long time ago." Nekomata leans forward and pinches a nipple for emphasis, drawing a breathy gasp from Ikkei punctuated by pleas for it all to stop. "You're mine," Nekomata says darkly yet firmly as he continues to exploit Ikkei's body.
Nekomata fucks him for four days straight. Ikkei had lost count of both how many times he'd come and how many times he's passed out, and yet apparently Nekomata required no sleep, for even when Ikkei awoke he saw new, fresh come adorning his muscled upper-body.
When Nekomata finally takes out the vibrator and undos the bonds holding him, his victim is so sensitive a single touch to his cock could get him hard. His vision is blurry and his entire torso and chest is completely covered in come. Unfortunately for him, it does nothing to hide the chiseled muscles that lie beneath, and Nekomata makes it his new duty to lick all of said come off of Ikkei's exhausted body. The endeavour only takes a few hours, and yet by the end Ikkei is somehow even more exhausted than he was before. When finally all of the come, old and new, had been cleared off, Nekomata finally released him and allowed him to dress. Ikkei glared at Nekomata weakly, and yet, considering he could barely stand, he knew there was no way he could fight him now. Nekomata simply grinned and continued to, unashamedly, stare at Ikkei's still bare and muscled chest. He quickly covers it with a shirt, and he's almost thinking he'll be able to leave when suddenly Nekomata's pressing him against a table and fucking into his sore ass again. Ikkei comes and comes and comes, comes until there's nothing left, and yet Nekomata continues. The old coach apparently has infinite stamina, and so Ikkei is forced to endure another 37 hours of overwhelming pleasure.
Ukai Keishin, his grandson, is the one who first walks in on them. Ikkei, after all, hadn't attempted to contact him for a week, and yet when he walked in and saw Ikkei struggling against Nekomata's firm grasp, he did nothing to free his clearly unwilling grandfather from Nekomata. Rather, he simply nodded, bent down, and begin licking gingerly at Ikkei's red nipples. Ikkei, of course, was horrified. He didn't want both his friend (ex-friend) and grandson fucking him, and yet he had little choice in the matter. Ukai and Nekomata took turns fucking into the old man's trembling ass, fondling his hardened pectorals vigorously, and painting come all over his sculpted body.
They both leave a day later to allow Ikkei to recover and clean up. He spends the first few hours simply laying in bee, drifting in and out of sleep, and when he finally gets up, it takes him and entire day to wash the come off the tables and beds and doors and walls-
Ikkei takes the day after that to recuperate. But an hour after he wakes up, he hears the door open, and, fearfully, he walks over to find his grandson, Nekomata, and several other coaches all staring at Ikkei's body lustfully.
3 days later, they all leave, their only complaint that Ikkei needed food and water every once in a while. They leave behind a shivering mess of a man, covered in come everywhere, moaning loudly as the vibrator in his ass abuses his prostate mercilessly.
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